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Well I'm not very happy right now!

I had decided to upgrade from my 90mm Meade goto to a 200 dob. So ordered it and it should be delivered tommorrow.

Since ordering I saw a 12 inch dob on astro buy sell. Just up the road. Form around the same money as my new 8 inch. By the time my mate at work had convinced me to get the big one and sell my still to be delivered 200 the one up the road had gone!

So please some one convince me that what I'll see through the new 200 will be a different world to the 90mm frac or I'll get even more depressed!:(


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Stop looking at whats out there for sale.

There will always be some cracking deal somewhere but you already have (yet to be delivered) a cracking NEW scope. You dont get aftersales on second hand.

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You will not regret buying the (brand new) 200p, great scope and it wont break your back to move. I suppose the 12 is better, but given the choice of second hand 12 or new 8, I would go for the new one. Hope this helps to cheer you up a bit. I had a choice of 8 or 10 Dob when I bought mine and have not regretted going for the 8, its just brilliant and thats why its the best selling scope in the country. Happy happy happy.

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Aperture fever and buying new before you see the used bargain - that's astronomy! The old saying that "..you can't miss what you've never had" is true and although the 12" is a bigger scope, there is clearly a reason why the 200P is Britain's best selling scope. It's at this aperture that things start to look interesting, it's very easy to move around and to transport to a dark site the mirror will cool down quicker than a 12" meaning you can start your observing earlier. There will always be a bigger scope out there no matter what you buy but what is important is the relative increase in resolution power (detail) that you will soon have compared to your existing scope. I can't ever remember reading anyone who was disappointed with a 200P so you have lots to look forward to - trust me.

Clear skies and look forward to reading your first light report.


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Hi IkoroduI have a 200p on eq5 and its pretty good..300mm is going to be better for obvious reasons and its difficult with all the choices out there, When i bought mine i kept looking at other scopes and thinking "is that one better". Has boabst say's... i'd say new is best too. I'm sure you'll be happy with it once you get out there. :(

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if it helps, I spend a lot of time deciding what to buy and try to get it at the best price, only to find some super special sale days later, in some random advertisement that I'm not even looking for, selling what I'd just bought at half the price.

That aside though, the 200p will be a world apart from your 90mm. The image will be 5 times brighter and better quality. The 300p would only be 2.2 times brighter again, so not such a big step, but a huge step in size, weight and hence more difficult to use.

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The 200p is a massive step up from a 90 mm fraci went from the same Meade 90mm to a 300p ,the down side it's a solid tube one very heavy and again to move ,that said wow weeeeeee ,what a change it was I just about completed the messier list in just under a year and half with the clouds getting in the way.stick with the 200p it's a great scope


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Just a quick word to say thanks all for your reassuring words.

For those interested I have posted my first light report in the scopes bit of the equipment section. In summary I'm well chuffed.

Also like to say how pleased I was with the service from Microglobe.co.uk were I got my 200 p from. Ordered on Monday delivered on Wednesday. I realise that most of the retailers are just resellers for OVL and as such the scopes are despatched by OVL but I used microglobes online live help who gave me the FedEx tracking number in seconds. What's more the scope was the cheapest I have seen it at £276 including delivery.


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