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Hi Chaps,

Found an old microscope Bino head and have placed this in the 2" focusser tube of my ST102, from first light(Daytime) the views are looking good up too now  :shock:. Just need to sort some bit's n bobs out and it will be ready for a full test out on the Night sky  :clouds1:

I already have quite a few Eyepieces pairs(Microscope ep's) to try this out..

Look's good dun it?


James  :clouds1:

PS:Next Mod is a Solar filter out of Baader Astro Film, this i will place under the lens cap and open the Aperture stop..

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Checked out the Bino/Scope tonight WOW i was viewing what looked like Orion in 3D with two Microscope ep's. Focussing was a pain but not impossiable i needed to take the focus tube out of it's houseing a little then tighten the focus locking screw well worth it though i can see why everyone raves about Bino views now.

James :clouds2:

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I've only got the cheapo £99 set, but like you say it's WOW!!! I think a lot of it is that your eyes can relax more and you take more in.

Have a peek at Saturn with them as well, you get a 3D effect with the rings and the moons. Very nice.

Another good thing with binos is that now I don't even mind the Moon being up cos the Moon through binos is amazing!!

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Thanks Tom, did you say you use them in your big Dobbo ? i bet its like being there with em on that scope Tom :clouds2:. Been so impressed with the views i will be getting a pair after christmas so i can use proper eyepieces :clouds2:. Cant wait to try them on the Moon :shock: and Saturn.

James :clouds2:

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Because of a problem with my eyesight, I am unable to use binoculars or bino viewers, but it occurred to me a while ago that you could put different eps in either side, and quickly change from low to high power by switching sides. I have also seen a binoviewer being used with a webcam in one side and an ep in the other.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Because of a problem with my eyesight, I am unable to use binoculars or bino viewers, but it occurred to me a while ago that you could put different eps in either side, and quickly change from low to high power by switching sides. I have also seen a binoviewer being used with a webcam in one side and an ep in the other.

Its an interesting though WH but...

In fact, less information reaches your eyes when using a binoviewer because of the prism-block.  This doesn't seem to matter because our brain is used to processing detail collected by both eyes; consequently, we notice more thru a binoviewer. 

Hope that helps,


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Don't matter none to me. I just can't make it work. :clouds2: I am sure that the view through a bino viewer is really something, though. Believe it or not, my son can't use binoculars (weird problem) and my wife can't (legally blind in right eye) so it kinda runs in the family. I was a bit shocked to find that a monocular cost 90% of the price of an equivalent set of binoculars, though. I thought it should be half. Blatant discrimination against the handicapped, that is!

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Hey James!!!!!!!

We aint got no rain here in Wales....Plenty of frost and cold Easterly winds though but clear sky up to now Was going to get the scope out later but have just checked the weather report and discovered that it's dropping to -7 deg this evening.....Fire side looks marvelouse right now Ah Well!! the arm chair and a couple of Bushmills I think.

Regards AJ

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I was looking at a Skywatcher 102 today and noticed that the front of the focus tube and the end of the focus rack (seen from the front) are shiny ... just like yours. 

Have you thought about blackening them? 


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I was looking at a Skywatcher 102 today and noticed that the front of the focus tube and the end of the focus rack (seen from the front) are shiny ... just like yours.

Have you thought about blackening them?



You could try "Flocking" :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2: :clouds2:


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