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NGC6888 Crescent Nebula in Halpha + "new" discovery


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3 days after the astronomical darkness ended (N63°) , I managed to capture this in H-alpha, even though the sky wasn't pitch black. A typical autumn-target, but I managed to grab it just as it was rising in the east. I'm suprised that the data came out nicely for over three hours without getting affected by the setting/rising sun.

Now to the fun part, I thought I had discovered a new nebula when examining the stack, a very small & very faint bubble in the lower left corner! First I cursed my flats for getting too old, but realised it was actually nebulosity on the screen, not dust-donuts. Hooray! But after some research online, I discovered that my discovery was already discovered. It was the "PN G75.5+1.7 soap bubble nebula", discovered 2008, that's pretty recent! But since I never heard about it before, it was still a exciting new discovery for me, I'm super-stoked about grabbing it with just a 4" ota very low on the horizon without astronomical darkness.

Ha: 10*20min unguided

Takahashi FSQ106EDX

QSI 583wsg

10Micron GM2000 HPS

Here's the location of the elusive bubble

Click image for slightly bigger version


Click image for the 100% version


Thanks for looking!


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Lovely image Jonas, looks great in Ha, and that little soap neb id amazing.... I bet you are really chuffed with that. I kind of did discover it, as you didnt know it was there (to be truthfull i had no idea it was there either). I wonder if it has ever been imaged on SGL before???

Again congrats on a great image :)


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Excellent pic Jonas,

That soap bubble is very dim, but I think it responds to O3 ok as well as the Ha. Olly took a pic of it a while ago, maybe its in the archives. As you say 2008 is not that long ago. It shows how deep we are going now with our deep space images.


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