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Its Bonus time again

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About this time of year we are sometimes lucky enough to get a bonus from work and this year is no exception so once again i ask the masses what do you recommend i get.

Current set up : Skywatch Explorer 150P (standard eyepieces and barlow), EQ3-2 motorised mount, Canon 550D prime fitting

I would like to improve my astrophotography and general viewing if possible so apart from the prime focus photography i am currently having a go at with some success is there anything i can get to improve things or make it easier or maybe do it differently altogether.

I am really looking for stuff that will not break the bank, if i spend £100 that would be ok but i can spend more for the big improvements if i can justfy them to the wife ;)

A few of my own ideas but i dont know enought about them :

Camera Project Lens


Eyepieces Projection Camera adapter

Celestron NexImage Digital Imager

Some sort of Filter attached to the camera to improve its view of the sky (most seem to be attached to the scope not specifically for the camera)

Any Help

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You have almost exactly the same kit I started with for AP. The things that made the biggest difference to me were a more stable mount and most especially autoguiding.

The 150P is nice light fast scope with a nice mid-range focal length. Not particularly special in any one area, but okay to have a good go at both small and large targets.

The EQ3-2 if you have a smooth running one is okay but you will still be limited to 1 - 2 min subs maximum. I have found being able to get 3 - 7min consistently through guiding as made a massive difference to the amount of data I can get in an evening.

There are a couple of threads about cooking up a homebrew autoguider if you are handy with DIY (I'm useless!) but you may be able to get yourself guiding for a reasonable outlay.

Failing that, a LP filter would be good if you suffer from that particular nuisance. Or if you don't have it already, Photoshop CS3 can be had for about £130 and that makes post processing much easier.

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Cheers for the info

I just noticed i have a thread on the end of my x2 barlow which fits the adaptor for the camera, i hate it when after over 12 months of uses i only just noticed something i should have been told in the first place ;)

It always concerns me and more the wife i will end up spending loads of money and getting nothing in return, a better set of eyepieces always seems a good idea until you look up at the orange glow sky and wonder if it makes a difference ?

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Don't bother with the thread on the barlow. It just turns a nice fast f/5 system into a slow mushy f/10. Smaller filed of view and you need subs that are 4x as long to get the same image brightness.

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I reckon that a webcam would be a good small investment. Its great fun doing moon and planet shots with one, and tracking accuracy isn't really important. The software for capturing and processing - I use Firecapture and Registax - is free. At the moment you can see Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn. You could also do some moon mosaics (again using free software MS ICE). You'll get some nice results and I'm sure your wife will be impressed.


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Coma corrector made a big differnce to me using a DSLR 'cos a DSLR has BIG chip compared to webcams and looks at bigger field of view where coma is more visible.

Autoguiding is a major step forward in the amount of data you can collect, but it makes the rig more complicated. More wires and often a computer in the loop. But wow what a difference!


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I just spotted a Explorer 200P on an Eq5 mount on ebay 4 hours to go starting at £300 no bids yet, what the hell the kids dont need a holday this year we got a tent for the garden ;)

I would really like to have another DOB (10" on ebay) but i am so used to tracking with motors not sure if i got the DIY skills for a motorised DOB converstion

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I just spotted a Explorer 200P on an Eq5 mount on ebay 4 hours to go starting at £300 no bids yet, what the hell the kids dont need a holday this year we got a tent for the garden :)

It went for £310, did you get it ?

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unfortunatly i went out and it finished before i got home would that be classed as a bargain at £310, i did send him an email before we left saying i had money on pay day jus tin case it didnt sell, never mind you cant win em all

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I'm looking to buy my first telescope and the 200P + EQ5 is one of the setups on my short list, so I was tempted to bid. I also live in the same sort of area as the seller so picking it up would only be a 15 minute drive.

I also sent him an email to the hotmail address in his contact details, saying if it didn't sell to get in touch but the email bounced which also put me off bidding.

I just wasn't too sure about the price given it was second hand and could have been damaged. I would have preferred to see it first hence the email.

A new one delivered is £395 from Rother Valley Optics so would you consider £310 a bargain for a second hand 200p + EQ5?

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In order of increasing price:

Webcam for lunar / planetary imaging

QHY5 and ST80 for guiding DSO long exposures

ED80 refractor for wide field DSO long exposures

HEQ5 or NE6 mount for stable DSO long exposures

CCD camera for noise free and deep DSO long exposures

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Now i seem the price new not so much a bargain i thought they were at leat £150 more than the ebay price....

I really fancy a guiding set up but my location is quite light polluted so am i even going to get any good shots with long exposure in bad light ?

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Yay bnus time, roll on Thursday....

I have a SW 200P on an EQ5 mount - no motors or goto at the moment.

My plan is to upgrade the mount with a goto upgrade, but am hearing conflicting stories - A 200P on EQ5 with camera etc is at the limit for AP but Quatermass et al are taking excellent photos with this mount combo. So am also considering the HEQ5.

No wife to worry about here, but my thoughts would be to upgrade the mount in both your case and mine ;-).

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