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appollo 13 the true story


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the programme wasn't the best, i didnt realise it was comparing the film with reality.

but have to say, what a story.

i liked the part at the end when asked for feedback,one guy scribbled " ****, typical hollywood rubish, the hero's survive as usual" not realising it was a true story !

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He always has shown his age lol. I enjoyed it actually. Just goes to show how Hollywood can actually change history and people believe it's true.

For instance it was Swigert issued those immortal words and not Lovell, and the fact it was changed from "Houston we've HAD a problem" to "Houston we have a problem" and it's the Hollywood version everyone uses.

Also Gene Krantz never Said "failure is not an option" but is happy to use it for his autobigraphy. Gotta love Hollywood.

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Just goes to show how Hollywood can actually change history and people believe it's true.

If that's the most Hollywood changed the reality of Apollo 13, I can live with that comfortably.

If anything, it should be commended in comparison to most of the usual tripe produced from butchered facts and processed reality that Hollywood serves up under the label "based on a true story".

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I just finished watching it, it was good. In my opinion Ed Harris played Gene Kranz perfectly. Apollo 13 is one of my favourite movies, Tom Hanks was perfect in it. Like Caelus said, not much was changed in the movie and thats good, cause usually hollywood runs away with true stories.

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the fact it was changed from "Houston we've HAD a problem" to "Houston we have a problem" and it's the Hollywood version everyone uses.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that "Houston we have a problem" was in common parlence way before the movie came out; it's just another misquote like "Play it again, Sam".

Jim Lovell does an excellent commentary on the DVD (at least the version I have) much of which explains the poetic license taken by the movie. As others have said, it ain't much and is pretty true to life. Lovell's book Lost Moon (I think now renamed Apollo 13 after the movie came out) is brilliant and relies on the actual transcripts of the communication between CAPCOM in mission control and the astronauts. What came across to me is that the astronauts were extremely cold, extremely tired, but not particularly scared. Must be because they were made of the Right Stuff; the life expectancy of test pilots in the 50s and 60s wasn't all that great but they accepted the danger seemingly willingly.

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The problem is, these guys were so cool under pressure that it would have made pretty poor watching, and an anti climax to the millions who paid to watch a tense nailbiting movie, and then find out everyone was so good at their job it was almost like another day at work.

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