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type of astronomers in SWales


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make sure you dont hit anything with that cannon dave :) lol sorry couldnt resist

if i were u try a camera lens and do some widefield AP with just the camera on the mount i bet it look awsome!!

ok make it a bit more "personal"

whats your fav objects to view, what is the first thing you view when your scopes set up.

mines always jupitor, then i move to orion nebular and then attempt to do galaxy searching in the plough but not succeeding yet :D the megrez dosent seem up to it that well

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50% observing for me, 10% imaging (courtesy of a webcam from Mat) and 40% searching!

For my imaging percentage to increase I have to find a way to stop the taxman, the utility behemoths, the insurance thieves and the bankers from taking all of my hard-earned cash. :D

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For me Gaz it has to be observing,i do enjoy taking single shots of the moon with my DSLR but i just havnt got the time needed to get everything right for any sort of imaging.Then its all the processing and tinkering with the images,by the time you combine that with shift work and 3 crazy kids i got no chance lol.I think once i build a obsy and everything is setup ready to use it will be a differant story.I normaly start with the brightest object in the night sky Gaz ( the moon / jupiter ) just to make sure the telrad is aligned and to check how the seeing is,viewing M42 with a O-III filter is one of my favourites but i must admit im developing a soft spot for mars, last weekend was my first WOW moment for quite a while and to see the detail on mars was a real treat.

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I'm into birdwatching as well as atronomy and have been since a small boy - I loved wandering accross the mountains and forests with just my rucksack and Bins - but since I have some decent camears I always feel let down if I come back and haven't got some decent bird shots- hope this doesn't happen with the star watching just can't afford it :0)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Visual Astronomy.

I like things rather simple and straight forward, with unhurried quality time at the eyepiece. It's all about relaxation. Given a choice, I would prefer setting circles and a mechanical clock drive, as compared to dealing with complicated and problematic electronic gear and all that goes with it; but then thats just me. At my age, I don't want the hassel, or the work. ;)

Clear skies, Mike

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