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EP recticules


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Warehouse Express amongst others sell them. About 12 quid if I remember correctly, but obviously much better if you can make your own.

Here is a link to one on Bern's website http://www.modernastronomy.com/catalogue.html#cross%20hair%20reticle

I don't know if they will work well with all eyepieces however, but they are useful.

Skywatcher also do an illuminated reticle which is more expensive but probably better in the longer term. http://www.opticalvision.co.uk/astronomical_telescopes/sky-watcher/general_accessories/sky-watcher_12.5mm_illuminated_plossl_eyepiece


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Yes, go on I'm listening.........

Well, I take it you want a crosshair only, so if you have a filter available, you will need to sacrifice it, for the threaded portion is the only bit you need. Find something fine enough to use as the hair. I have used a piece of very fine wire from a piece of copper braid cable.

Carefully cut 4 slots in the threaded portion of the filter you have sacrificed, at 90 degrees apart, and place the wires across both diameters.

Do it on a soft board so that you can tension the wires using modelling pins. Once they are taut enough, carefully cement them to the ring with Araldite, or other glue, taking care not to foul up the threads, as you will need the ring to screw far enough into the eyepiece barrel, to get a focus on the crosswires.

Easy Peasy. Now you are going to say, to hell with that I'd rather buy one. :)

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Tut! Tut! Tut!. The spirit of adventures gone in this country.

Almost, just don't have an "old,unused filter" dodging about at the moment, and 13 quid from Bern would appear to be just the ticket!

Interesting conversation though , thanks.


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totally agree but the 6mm now there's a thought!


I got the 12mm a while ago, same price but not from Steve unfortunately, otherwise I would have got 10% off.

Sometimes one does things without thinking. In my case I think it's called senility.


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