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Dearest Aldi Scope EVER!

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I think that you all may be being a little harsh, If the guy is being truthfull about buying it from a website for the price he paid then if he is "uneducated" as far as telecope quality is concearned he may well just be selling it to get some money back, and he himself was obviously ripped off to start with.

I can only say that it's unfortunate what has possibly happened with the guy and like what is said on this and many other forums "dont rush in and get a scope, learn as much as you can before your first purchase, it can make the difference between enjoying the hobby or turning you off stargazing for ever"


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Him being ripped off, is no excuse for him/her, to do the same to someone else, although unfortunately, the practice of selling bad telescopes always gets worse when Astronomy hits the headlines.

The Brian Cox Effect, is one such event, that suddenly inspires the unwary to rush out and buy without thinking, or seeking advice first.

Programmes such as Cox's Stargazing Live, ought to provide a warning to viewers, to guard against careless purchases of telescopes, and seek help from bodies such as Astro Societies, or forums such as SGL.

This guy on Ebay sounds pretty naive to me, and it may well be he has suffered at the hands of a rogue seller. It's tough, but he should live with it.

I messaged him saying he should supply the scopes specifications, as it would probably help the sale, or not as the csae may be.


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I don't think I was harsh with my message. The only place you see these scopes is Aldi and if you look up Optus scopes they all get bad reports. What I hinted at was showing the fact it's an Optus scope and admitting you paid £160 for it is like saying 'I'm a numptie, are you one too'. I suggested he might remove the box from the picture lol as everyone can see that it is (whatever he says) an Aldi £59 scope. The fact he has now put in his ad that it isn't but then not put the actual specs either suggests he's a bigger numptie than I first though or he has the rarest scope on ebay. I think his honesty is truly in doubt lol.

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The thing is, he is unlikely to sell it and even less likely now. Nobody on here would ever have bought it but what he is looking for is someone with money and no sense. There are plenty about but like I've said I doubt he'll get rid.

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Searching ebay for an Optus scope, there are 4 on offer at present, the highest bid is £40.

He has not specified the name of the the scope, no length, aperture or f number.

Doesn't ebay require that items are correctly described?

His warranty price is nearer the value that it is worth.

Incidentally, his claim that it is a higher specification than the Aldi model is difficult to check since he has not given any specification or the basic details of the scope.

He does not appear to have bought the scope on ebay, unless ebay have lost the transaction details. The warranty offered, is through Square Trade, which can be obtained via Amazon for less!!!!

And finally, he is allegedly being accused of ...... in feedback left on his ebay account....



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I don't think I was harsh with my message. The only place you see these scopes is Aldi and if you look up Optus scopes they all get bad reports. What I hinted at was showing the fact it's an Optus scope and admitting you paid £160 for it is like saying 'I'm a numptie, are you one too'. I suggested he might remove the box from the picture lol as everyone can see that it is (whatever he says) an Aldi £59 scope. The fact he has now put in his ad that it isn't but then not put the actual specs either suggests he's a bigger numptie than I first though or he has the rarest scope on ebay. I think his honesty is truly in doubt lol.

I'm not suggesting your message was harsh T/Wolf.

I can understand your anger at this guy, he may well be seeking rip folks off with this scope, but even many high street shops jump on the bandwagon selling cheapskate scopes when astronomy gets a boost via the media. They have no experts to help people when things go pear shaped.

The number of times responsible members on SGL have written to Ebay when a suspect Item is being offered for sale. Not least so called Sun Filters, which you wouldn't trust looking at a 500Watt lamp, let alone the sun. We are here to help those who need guidance buying astro gear, but we can only do so if they approach us

Writing to complain directly to a seller when you know the item is suspicious for one reason or another, should be in a polite form initially, if they reply in a aggressive manner, merely send a reply stating you will be reporting the matter to Ebays management.

People who use the forum, will certainly appreciate the informed, intelligent, and sensible way we treat situations like this.


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I emailed him also asking him to show proof but all I got was a reply saying I'd been reported to ebay. I politely informed him that I'd reported him also so we would see how it goes.

I just looked just now & the ad has been pulled so hopefully the seller has seen sense at last!


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