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Going for grab and go???

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I finally got my ST80 to dark skies this month - pitch black skies, 2000m altitude. The capability of the scope under those conditions was staggering. I am sure I cannot get anything like the same views from my city location regardless of aperture.

So now I am thinking I need to invest in a small, backpackable scope. Unfortunately I don't drive for medical reasons, so a fold-up dob is not an option. The only candidates I can see are either a mak 127 (but cooldown could be an issue) or a (carbon fibre) apo in the 90-100mm range. I suppose a 150mm newt might also be considered portable...

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I bet for a fraction of the cost of a CF APO you could get a carpenter to make a 6" newt dob in a box if you showed him some parameters and designs (assuming you don't have the skills to DIY - which you may of course!). This is what I would (will) do for a travel scope option. no tripod needed and much more compact - even OK on a plane. use an f8 and you might even be able to observe comfortably from a small three legged fold away stool.

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