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Sky-Watcher 150PL - DSOs and star field EP advice...

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Hello all!

So I'm looking to expand my EP collection which currently only comprises of the 10mm and 25mm supplied with the scope.

I've already decided on an 8mm and 15mm BST, but was wondering anyone could offer some advice on a suitable EP for lower mag/wider field observing? Within my budget, I think I've narrowed it down to either a 40mm or 32mm GSO plossl as they seem to get good reports, but being inexperienced I'm not sure which would be most suited to observing DSOs and star fields with the 150PL?

Any other 150PL owners able to comment?


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I have a SW 150PL ... blue body

I bought the following EPs for my 150PL

i) Tal x3 Barlow

ii) Vixen 10mm EP

iii) Long Eye Relief 15mm EP

I'm still undecided which is the best EP (Vixen or LER) ... both are pretty good for me.

If you are starting out, I would recommend buying a dual RA and DEC motor system for the 150PL. It's absolutely essential if you want to do any web cam imaging or even if you just want to do observing .. looking at one spot and not having to worry about constantly shifting the scope.


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I would go for the 32mm plossl for low power viewing. The 40mm plossls, although giving lower magnification, have a narrower apparent field of view so don't show any more sky and it is a bit like looking down a narrow tube.

The GSO brand plossls seem to be well made and get good feedback on here.

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I share your interest in finding decent ep's for the 150p (mines the 750fl) but using my scope even the bigger galaxies still look like a smudge with my scope, light polution is to blame for most of the probelm but I dont think a 150 catches enough light for viewing as much detail as we'd like, although photographically will produce good results.


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I'm thinking I might have better luck if this was posted in the Eyepieces discussion thread. Admin, please could you move it?

It can be moved if you want but you have had some great advice here. I doubt you will get better over there. There are only a limited number of options to achieve what you are looking for.

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Ok, they look interesting. The GSO claims a slightly higher FOV though, 52 vs 50 degrees, is that something I'm going to notice? Has anyone used both? Someone on here has reported that the NPL actually only gives around 48 degrees...

The 8mm NPL also looks interesting as the 8mm BST I want is out of stock. How do they compare? The BST are a 4 group, 6 element design versus the 2 group, 4 element design of the NPL...what does that actually mean in practical terms?

Also, on the 365astronomy website, they have a 32mm Sky-Watcher and 32mm GSO both looking exactly the same! Are they?! The Sky-Watcher is £6 less!

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Maybe we should start up a 150PL user group (if groups can still be made on here?)

Off topic but not a bad idea I think! John or other admin, is that ok/possible? It seems like a popular choice for beginners and would become a useful source for info if it was moderated correctly?

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We don't have equipment specific groups any more on the forum I'm afraid. Feel free to start a thread or two looking for tips and mods to that particular scope on the Equipment / Discussions - Scopes / Whole setups section though :)

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Feel free to start a thread or two looking for tips and mods to that particular scope on the Equipment / Discussions - Scopes / Whole setups section though :)


All 150PL owners head over to here:


and post on it so you have it saved in your list of subscribed threads :)



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