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What would you put on an EQ3 Pro?


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Hi just been working on a friends EQ3 with a 150p on it. After tightening and adjusting worms, its ok but is near the limit for this mount. A 130 or a MAK would be better , 90-100 refractor f11 would work but higher mags would highlight lack of rigidity.

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If you are after the most expensive scope you can mount on a EQ3-2 then a FSQ or a Questar is hard to beat. May be a Tak Sky 90, LOMO 80/600.

Surely if you have money for those you would go for something a bit more substantial. Unless you are after portability, in which case you will go for a Vixen GP2 photoguider or Tak Teegul sky patrol.

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I have an NEQ-3 pro syncan and it will JUST! take my Tal 100 RS OTA but my WO ED 80 is fine...

The TAL100 RS needs very careful balancing otherwise the motors just don't like it. The WO ED80 is ideal on this mount and it can be auto guided for photography as well.

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I want to get EQ-3 GoTo mount on my 114mm scope. :)

Would this work, I'm in exactly the same boat, got a 114/500 and hoping to get an EQ3 Pro to replace EQ1. could the mount take the telescope and a Canon 550D (about 0.8kg) mounted at the eyepiece?

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Would this work, I'm in exactly the same boat, got a 114/500 and hoping to get an EQ3 Pro to replace EQ1. could the mount take the telescope and a Canon 550D (about 0.8kg) mounted at the eyepiece?

With a load capacity of 5.5kg, it should be able to take the telescope and the camera, but the tracking accuracy is not going to be good enough for long exposure astrophotography.

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I wonder if you could get away with a C8? (visual, of course)

The L lens idea is more along the lines of what I was thinking. Hopefully you could guide the lens with an ST80.

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by the way, I'm not using the aluminium tripod that came with the EQ3-2 but my modified one "http://stargazerslounge.com/discussions-mounts/164877-my-21-astroboot-tripod.html#post2102939" vibration are virtually all gone.

Cost of that full tripod: £269 (eq3-2+legs+mods+motors), that's a £500 saved over the so common HEQ5-pro :icon_salut:

£500 that will go towards other stuff :D

Happy stargazing, may the sky stay clear of clouds :evil:

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