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New Dude


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Hi, just joined so I dropped in here to say hello. I am a rank amateur, my 7 year old son told me he wanted a telescope. I asked my brother what he had since I had seen a few in his house.. now here is where the fun begins.

He gave us one of his and asked me to learn how to use it so I can show him how to use the other one. Like many folks do I am sure, he got started but get frustrated somewhere along the way.

More on my first adventures later - suffice to say I have learned that the red dot finder and a low res lens are your friends.

So, equipment I have is Williams Optics Zenithstar 70, EZ mount setup on nice tripod (the one with the wooden legs?), a bunch of lens and extenders that I do not understand yet other than to say (high res or low res). That's about it. I have seen some cool moons and happened to catch Jupiter on new years eve (it was brightest thing up there).

Enough rambling, now off to do some reading.


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Hi Rob and welcome to the forum. You might have heard of Stellarium, a free bit of planetarium software that can make a lot of difference in finding objects or identifying ones you are not sure of and can be downloaded here.

Clear skies


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