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Jupiter image (19th May 2007)


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OK, not a great shot, but its my first Jupiter image (ever). I wasnt overly impressed with it visually, it was low in the sky wobbling around, and smeared all over the place. The raw image sequences didnt look promising, so I had left them until today to stack and process them.

NexStar 8 GPS, Meade LPI, K3CCD, 102 frame AVI processed in Registax,

Raw stack:


Post processed


Yet, again, I am blown away by what the available software can do.

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Yes, I said something kind of similar in the middle of the office earlier today :police: . I moved the red plane down, blue plane up, and pulled the gamma curve down, and suddenly this jumped out of the screen at me. Some wavelet work and there it was.

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Indeed so, it still suprising me. Lots more frames next time (being very much aware of the high rotation speed of Jupiter limiting the time frame that I can realistically aim for), and if the skies behave, maybe stick the 2x barlow on, just for a laugh :police:

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Thats great Steve, Learning the software is really moving up my to do list, I can use it but I tend to just adjust values & see what happens, no hard and fast idea about if I do this the image will do that.


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Nice image! I've got an LPI but struggling with it :? The Meade software I find really difficult. Do you control it through K3CCD? - if so, can you tell me how please

Many thanks


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I usually use the Meade Envisage application, but this particular image was taken with my first run using K3CCD to create an AVI. To be honest, I`m not sure the outcome would have been much different, but using registax to load an AVI is a hell of a lot easier than a vast number of TIFF/FITS files.

What kind of problems are you having with it? Let me now and I`ll see what I can do to help. I`m no expert with it, but apart from the occasional crash, it seems to work OK (you do have the AutoSuite update, dont you?).

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Talk about pulling a rabbit out of a hat, that's an exceedingly good trick Steve. Who sez you can''t make good Jupiters out of thingy's.

I think that is a West End hit if ever I saw one :police:

But seriously, you did good.

Ron. :D

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