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Warm air currents?

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Am getting a significant interference at mag 240x and above, extremely pronounced when using spc900. Looks like the wobbly image you get when looking low along the hot road in summer.

So, obviously, there is a temperature gradient somewhere - either in the scope or in the atmosphere. This is what I cannot figure out though! The scope cools down well by then having spent 1-1.5 hours outside. Not the vibration of the scope either.

The images in my videos look wobblier than those I could find on YouTube. What are the common suspects causing those temperature differentials? Scopes? Buildings? Large bodies of water?


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Seeing Astronomical seeing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia usually limits magnification to around x200 (if were lucky) but I suspect it's going to be much worse than usual looking over the bustling city of London. Nothing you can do about it other than get out under the stars every opportunity you get in the hope the seeing and transparency gods are looking down on us :)

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I may be wrong but as well as the things described above, what you are seeing is normal at higher powers. I think (but have never done any imaging) that those creating images/videos of planets are (through a program) selecting the best images and stacking them together for the best effect / result?

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I have the same problems, with me it is concrete as my house is part built of the stuff (roof) also most of my patio is paved and this retains heat.

Was going to put an offer on a penthouse with an easy access to the rooftop, and now I know it's not going to work :)

Good joke. Anyway, this guy's video looks fairly - what's the right word - stable (how on Earth did he stack the such a low-contrast video to such beautiful pics? I've heard of photoshop)

jupiter using a skywatcher 130p - YouTube

Fair enough, we need this thick soup called atmosphere (according to Clarkson) to breathe...

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hi there can you post the video up some were like you tube i get tube currents but not of the buildings i fitted a fan to my scope which helped with tube currents bit the upper atmos does not help dry frosty nights on the way

A few shots from Fri night and Sat morning - average seeing, plus on Saturn I have throttled the gain all the way down - you'll have to turn up the brightness on your monitors :)

Still a newbie as far as playing with wavelets is concerned...




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Your obviously a natural at imaging Blusky as I cant get images that good on a driven mount from a moderately LP suburb. Jupiter & Mars a really good for manual dob captures.

Thank you, and the learning curve is still rather steep! :)

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