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Astronomy Snake Oil...


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Lastly, the big deal - NIGHT VISION GREEN. After your eyes are used to the dark, your iris are wide open, your night vision is optimized. You don't want to use a regular bright white flashlight because the white light would cause your iris to close. You would be almost blind after you look at the bright white light. This is similar to look at the flash fired from a camera. You want to keep your iris wide open by using this 4 LED night vision Green Light to help you to see in the dark. The green light will not cause your iris to close. The added large amount of green light from 4 LED will make working with your telescope easy. You would have maximum night vision.

Wow... just, wow...

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White lettering still reflects more. The white lettering on my old Vixen LV EPs was much easier to read than the green of the TV EPs I have now.

Yes, white lettering is just green lettering plus red and blue light :-)

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Yes, white lettering is just green lettering plus red and blue light :-)

Not quite, green pigments also absorb a little green light. Only if you have fluorescent green, which both reflects green and absorbs some blue and emits it as green might be useful. The energy losses incurred probably mean that this is not effective.

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The claims of some audio cable manufacturers are a laugh. Sure there is a difference between a £1.50 cheapo RCA cable and say a £12 cable,but usually only in the quality of construction rather than any noticeable audio fidelity improvements. The difference between a £12 and a £200 cable would be negligible. For me its the law of diminishing returns with only very small improvements measured in laboratory conditions between the £12 and £200. Most of these improvements would be undetectable in real world listening environments or negated by other factors, environment, background noise,hearing etc..

Homeopathy as a so called medicine, especially the 20c stuff,it's really powerful (not)

From what I have seen astro gear seems pretty free from woowoo claims. Closest thing would be the library planetary images on the sides of department store scope boxes claiming to be representative of views. Oh course this isn't the astro community,just bad marketing.

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Dare I say "apodising" masks?

Don't remind me! :)

May I add:

  • Zoom Binoculars
  • 20mm finderscopes internally stopped to 8mm. (They work better if you take the lenses out!)
  • Lights of any colour that are claimed to preserve your night vision. (If it's bright enough to be seen, it's bright enough to degrade rhodopsin. The end.)
  • Curved spider vanes. (They eliminate diffraction spikes, but they do it by causing even more diffraction -- they just distribute it so as to degrade your image more evenly).
  • "Good quality" 15x70 binoculars that cost less than two mediocre-quality eyepieces. (Think about it.)
  • Glow-in-the-dark eyepiece labels, supposedly help you identify your eyepieces without light. (Completely useless after a couple of hours in the dark, or if you forget to take them out of the eyepiece case to "charge" them before you go observing.)
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You might like my paper on quantum homeopathy in Annals of Improbable research (version available here)

Your otherwise excellent article, which takes homeopathic research in promising new directions, has a small flaw. The patient is also an observer and will collapse the wave function too, unless you shoot them directly after administering treatment.

Or you could treat them secretly, so that they do not know they have been treated and therefore do not observe the treatment. They will however continue to observe their own state of health, so I think you have to shoot them.

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Your otherwise excellent article, which takes homeopathic research in promising new directions, has a small flaw. The patient is also an observer and will collapse the wave function too, unless you shoot them directly after administering treatment.

Or you could treat them secretly, so that they do not know they have been treated and therefore do not observe the treatment. They will however continue to observe their own state of health, so I think you have to shoot them.

A very good observation! This means without a doubt that homeopathy only works for very unobservant people.


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