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Jupiter's Great Red Spot

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Good night for viewing here in West Yorkshire - just the odd cloud drifting by and not too windy.

I spent an hour or so looking at Jupiter - it is truly magnificent. I got the moons and some definition of the cloud bands using a 90mm refractor (borrowed and not that great). I was wondering what size of aperture and magnification would be necessary to make out the Great Red Spot.

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You should just be able to make out the Great Red Spot with your kit. Unfortunately, for the past few years the GRS has been a Great Beige spot, and not particularly impressive. Seeing has a huge impact on its visibility. If seeing conditions allow, a magnification of 200x will show it.

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I've been out tonight and I could make out the GRS at 165x with my Vixen 102mm refractor. It really did not "jump out" though and the fact that I've seen it on other occasions through my larger scopes probably helped as I knew what I was looking for. As Luke says it's rather pale at the moment - look for it in the southern side of the south equatorial belt.

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I've been out tonight and I could make out the GRS at 165x with my Vixen 102mm refractor.

Ditto (although not an ED) :)

You should be able to pick up the GRS quite easily with your kit, I have seen it with my 80mm scope once I knew what I was looking for.

The GRS is in fact looking like two (or more) spots, the storm seems to have a secondary storm in close proximity.

See this thread for more info http://stargazerslounge.com/observing-planetary/163991-2-x-grs.html

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I could just make it out at about 100x in my 90mm f5.5 achro the other night. as with others though if you know what it looks like, it does help.

I cannot get much more than that (or couldn't the other night anyway) withut the image going mushy and chromatic aberration becoming an issue.

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If any of you want to know more about the timing of the GRS and Jovian satellites, have a look at this excellent free software. http://www.astrosurf.com.rondi/

Download it and put in your own coordinates, data etc, and put a shortcut onto your desktop. Wouldn't be without it!

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Stellarium also shows these things.

I also have a 90mm frac on loan, and am yet to see the GRS. Mainly because i've only had roughly 5 viewing sessions. The first 2-3 i didn't really have my eyes trained really, the last 2 sessions i've spent a good hour or so at the eyepiece and the detail increase has been amazing. Unfortunately though, those 2 good sessions coincided with times where the GRS wasn't visible. :)

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Thanks everyone for the advice - I think my magnification was too low it was x70. As this was the smallest EP and its a borrowed scope I'll have to wait until I get to open my Christmas present to progress this one :)

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