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PHD ....


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been playing with this.

I cannot figure out why I am getting no guiding in DEC. Works great in Astroart - RA only in PHD. Dec gradually drifts away.

NEQ6, EQMod, Lodestar

Has anyone experienced this also?

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I have had it throw a wobbly a couple of times when the Dec just wandered off. Normally after a cloud passed over but not always. I quit and recalibrated and it was fine.

.... you had to recalibrate after a cloud passed over? Really?


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I don't mean say that I 'had to', but I switched it off then on again and it worked after.

I am not talking about a little fluffy cloud but enough that PHD couldn't see any stars and was dinging away to tell me.

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I've just started useing phd i to are haveing a few problems with dec runs well for a good few minutes and then starts to plumit slowly,i did up the max dec duration that seemed to make it go longer but something else went adrift after id taken four 5min photos.its very much trial and error,and when only getting clear night once a fortnight if lucky,dont get to try different settings.

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It worked perfectly in AA after the PHD session. In PHD, the scope moved fine in both axes during calibration and the pulseguide monitor in EQMod showed movement on both RA and DEC to confirm this. However whilst RA guiding is noticeable in both PHD and in the monitor, there is no movement in the monitor in DEC. Polar alignment is very good - the gear is observatory based.

Shut down PHD, start AA, select camera (Lodestar) and mount. Take one exposure, click calibrate and 30 seconds later I have really good sub pixel guiding on both axes. Further refinement can be made in the EQMod monitor. Its very simple and very good.

So I wonder what PHD's problem is?

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I've got the exact same problem as you Mick.

One night it was working perfectly a nice sold graph the next night Dec falls of the map! (observatory based also)

Really would like to hear a solution to this. I was thinking it might of been a power issue to my mount but I didn't have AA to experiment with.


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Seems a few of us have problems,can it be possible that when im useing my laptop(4gb ram 500 hardrive dual core) for different things like internet or while my dslr camera is running downloading the images to laptop,or norton doing pulse updates that all these different things running could make guideing blip as my guideing was spot on lastnight next thing you no ra and dec jump up and down like crazy,think next chance i get i will kill the internet,etc put memory card in camera and just let phd run see what happens.

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but I didn't have AA to experiment with.

Try it .... I find its guiding to be really solid.

I do have to run two instances of AA. One for capture and the other just for the guider but the guide setup is sheer simplicity. Connect the camera and the mount, (I use a Lodestar and NEQ6Pro through EQMod). Take a shot through the guide camera, select a star, click the calibration button. Wait for about 30 seconds whilst it does it stuff. When it has calibrated just tell it to guide. If need be you can fine tune it on the fly through the EQMod pulseguide monitor.

The guiding is very good also with some nice easy to adjust features. Worth running the trial version to see I reckon

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