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Can anyone match this guys.. 'snap' of M31 ! ?


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Not sure if this guy is an SGL member but.... Can anyone match this ? (Or any of his astro-snaps for that matter :shock:)

The 3600 X 2376 versions on Robert Gendler's website are simply STUNNING (Apologies for 'plugging' his site but I just have to tell somebody)



OMG im in heaven

Matt - thinking... I could spend £10,000 on equipment and still not get these results! :) lol

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I have to say they are beyond adequate description, so I am not going to try.

Without sounding churlish, I hope. The amount of money that has furnished those results, anything less would have been disappointing.

I get just as excited with images posted on SGL. Most of my senses are tuned, waiting for the next batch to come in.

But, all Astro Images are Ambrosia to me.

Ron. :)

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Superb they certainly are, Mr Gendler is a world famous imager. He's also a nice guy, I e-mailed him a couple of times about his images a few years ago and he replied in a helpful and friendly informative way.


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I wonder if he makes enough money out of selling his images and books to justify the cost of the kit? Might be worth a chat with the bank manager perhaps. SGL Astroimages Ltd. has a ring to it, maybe we could get set up, buy a lump of Chile and some nice shiny mirrors and have a bash? Running it from here via the interweb should work and we could take it in turns to go check that its all still there.

OK, maybe not.

Captain Chaos

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Yup, Bob Gendler is doing fairly well selling images and such. He is quite a nice person as well. The 20" RC is state of the art and yes, the camera alone costs in excess of $10,000. The dark skies of New Mexico don't hurt much, either. :shock:

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Not to take the glory away from his fantastic work but I'm kinda glad it takes way more than £10,000 for kit capable of creating those kind of results.

Just to make us 400 quid scope / 30 quid toucam owners feel a bit better. :) (ok give or take a fair few hundred £ for some of us)


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absolutely... mind boggling images. :shock:

never seen anything like it.

What blows my mind most is the Orion deep fields. There's aaallll that nebulosity lurking in there when I thought M42, horsehead and flame is all there is.


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I know I'm a noob - but are they real? Are they 'enhanced'? - I've never seen anything like them before - I'm mesmerised. It's like having always had goldfish & then seeing a marine fish tank

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Yes, they're "real", and yes, they're "enhanced". :) Given the dark sky at the site, the very large telescope, the excellent camera, the amount of time in exposure, the stability of the mount AND the skill of the person doing the processing, the image is simply amazing. It's what happens when it "all comes together". Bob's been doing this kind of imaging since this type of equipment became available to the public, and since he's more interested in making pretty pictures than gathering data, his results are mind boggling.

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He's spent a fortune on his gear but give him modest gear and he would be capable of stretching it to the absolute limit. I don't know whether you call it talent or total obsession but it is great to see just what can be achieved by amateurs. Oh... and for hundreds of millions of pounds it's interesting that the Hubble still can't deliver a flat field - just look at the blurred edges - Rob Gendler wouldn't tolerate that!

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