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Best 10" dobsonian ?

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Hi all

I'm interested in getting a 10" dobbo :D (of the non-truss variety). I've seen some good reviews of the Skywatcher Skyliner and also the Relevation 10. I'm presuming most if not all 10" ers use roller bearings as standard instead of teflon. The other consideration is the focuser. I've had bad experiences with my skywatcher rack & pinion focuser so a crayford as standard sure would be nice but not seen one that offers this as yet. Does anyone have any preferences or recommendations on makes of 10" dobs ?

Last thing, I realise that my humble EQ3-2 will probably wobble and break at the knees if I shove a 10" tube on it. So just supposing, hypathetically :D, I could afford a HEQ5, would it be enough for astro photography through a 10" ?

Any suggestions most appreciated



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An EQ6 would be the bear minimum for photography with a 10" newt. The HEQ5 probably will hold it for visual but the moment arm is likely to be too high for photography (and I have my doubts about the EQ6, but others may disagree)

In answer to your main question the BEST 10" dob is likely to be made by Obsession or Starmaster. However I assume you are on a limited budget. The Revelation (GSO) dobs are excellent for the money, as are the skywatcher dobs. I doubt you will go wrong with either brand. Also consider Orion Optics(UK), a little more money, but better optics.

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Gordon has answered it really. Just worth saying that the Orion Optic's dob won the Sky at Night group test......but only just by a weeny margin from the Orion USA XT range. And the Orion USA is more or less the same as the Skywatcher Skyliner. The GSO was marked down slightly because the optics weren't quite to the same standard as the two Orions.


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The Skyliner 250PX would be my weapon of choice - very good optics and mechanically better than some costing much more.

The focuser is the Achilles heel but it isn't as bad as people say (it responds well to a strip-down and re-grease) and can be easily upgraded to a Crayford.

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I had my Skyliner 250PX on an HEQ5 and to be honest I wasn't comfortable with the amount with the 20kg I had to use to counter balance it. You might feel different but though! I think a HEQ6 would be a better option there especially if you're going to add cameras and whatnot on top. It does use teflon pads which I personally found a bit sticky on the AZ axis but it wasn't a deal breaker for me. My only real bugbear with it was that mine did go out of collimation if you even went near it and the primary was loose which I didn't know about until I took it back to Green Witch where I bought it from and they grudgingly sorted it for me.

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I have a revelation 10" and its a beautiful bit of kit, a joy to use, great focuser and very portable, I can be setup within minutes. It also fits in the back of the car for star parties and the like

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Not sure Outlash, I'm sure I heard somewhere the motors were of better quality. :?

You've probably guessed I'm trying to avoid even the thought of splashing out £1k on the EQ6. Not to mention the added weight as it will be stored in a shed (if I ever bought one ).


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Not better. Different.

I believe that Synta had upgraded their motors anyway over the last couple of years. I think the GOTO motors are a different stepper / reduction set up .....

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