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Saturn 15-04-07

Nick Smith

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Excllent image again Nick. Can I ask what camera settings etc. How else are us newbies gunna learn :D


Hi Chub

I normally put the details on the pic. This was a RRGB image taken with a mono Lumenera Infinity 2-1 camera and a C11 at f27, which is about 7.5 metres focal length. The Infinity is not really a specialist planets cam as it has a large array of smallish pixels. It is ideally suited for lunar/solar, but is pretty versatile and also does okay on DSOs, especially if the pixels are binned 2x2. I took this M13 last Autumn shortly after I got the camera (I think it was with an Orion ED80).


And I am a real novice at deep sky. I'm sure someone who new what they were doing could get some great results with this camera.



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And I am a real novice at deep sky. I'm sure someone who new what they were doing could get some great results with this camera.



For a real novice that's a mighty impressive Glob. image Nick. I don't think that you are a million miles from some great DSO snaps based on the evidence so far. :D

Captain Chaos

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Binned 2X2 means that four pixels are grouped together to form a bigger pixel. This reduces the image size (but not the FOV) by 2 in each direction, hence 2X2. The gain is that each superpixel gets a signal from four normal pixels which are added together. This makes the binned camera four times more sensitive so the sub-exposures only need to be 1/4 of the time required for an unbinned sub-exposure.

Captain Chaos

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