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Why did I do It? I should have said no!

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O.K. I know I should not have looked !

I bought an LXD75 meade AR5 refractor ota at the weekend, couldn't resist it was 2 months old and an absolute bargain, had one before and loved it. It will be my quick look scope when I can't be bothered putting out the C9.25. Met a lovely couple of astronomers with his n hers scopes. "Would you like a peep through our solar scopes they said" , I've never looked through one so jumped at the chance. Well to cut a short story shorter I was completely blown away by the views of the sun In Hydrogen Alpha.They had a normal Coronado PST(I always thought they looked like toys), and a double stacked version of the same.

The details on the solar disc was just magical and the prominence's I could see rivaled anything I have seen in the night sky for beauty and wonder. Both scopes gave views I never expected and now I want one but have no cash! Astrobuysell beckons.........why did I look :sunny:


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Congrats on the AR5 Dave :D

Be wary when buying secondhand PSTs as the filter relies on a very thin slit which can become skewed after an impact, resulting in a drop in quality.

To fix it cost more than the scope itself!

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:D :D

Those pst do look the business...which would you think the best to go for. The Pst or the CAK. which would give the best all round views

If you do manage to come to the Sgl party i will have my H/A Pst there.

It does give a nice balance to these hazy nights at the moment

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