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In Lunar orbit-moon mosaic with GSO 12" newt.

Luis Campos

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Hi all,

Yesterday after my Jupiter imaging run, I decided to point my "Dobzilla" at the moon, I made a lot of avis, I just finished a mosaic at aprox. f/15 with the R filter used to minimize turbulence.

It's a 14 pane mosaic, processed under Registax 6 with a touch up in PS CS5, still have a lot to process, i made some more at f/25 tooo....more to come soon :)

Hope you like it,



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Thanks guys!

Unfortunelly, this is not a full size image, it gets resized when uploading...:)

AweSIM, registax 6 is a fine tool for lunar imaging, multi point alignment is very accurate, on my lunar iamges I just let it on default settings, then apply a minimum quality of 85% and let it run, when it gets to the stack part, click "show stackgraph" and on the vertical slider jsut cut the "spikey frames" this way you're refining quality. On the final wavelets click "gausian" and "linked wavelets" thsi allows you to sharpen you final image with noise control, there's a selectable box were you can put more or less "gausian blur" try to play with only layer 1 and two by increasing the wavelets and then when you start to see noise apply the gausian by little steps, do your experiences :)

On lunar imaging just like to use layer 1 and sometimes layer 1 and two, this are where the micro details are "hidden" :)


P.S. For images merging I use the excelent Microsoft ICE...simply the best!

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