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first go at jupiter


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Hi all, this is my very first go at jupiter last night. i have just bought the spc880 and flashed this to 900nc.. im really having dificulty processing this, can anyone help with anytips or advice that i can use ? the image was from a 4min avi and processed and stacked with registax, i also tried this in photoshop but found that registax produced a better image. post-26172-133877661627_thumb.jpg

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I'd keep your avi's to around 1 minute to 1 minute 30 seconds. Jupiter rotates very fast and literally after about 2 minutes you're just going to be capturing a long blurred line where a detailed band of cloud should be. The longer you film it the more chance you have of the detail you capture on it blurring as its spins. That looks like what has happened here.

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hi good start, but I need some more details on the picture in order to try and help:

1. what is the capture tool?

2. what are all capture params? (there is a file if you are using SharpCap) mainly exposure, gain, gamma, decoder, FPS.

3. when using registax try to use in the wavelet tab the rgb align button and then estimate before playing around with the waveltes

4. one last tip make yourself a bahitnov mask (you can DIY no need to buy) for best focus



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This is your image after running the RGB align feature in registax. You should do better by running the original data and using this feature before any wavelet functions. Some good advice has been posted above,put the advice into play with your next captures and your results should be greatly improved. Good luck.


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thank you all for the advice and comments, first off, it was used with the 130/900 scope, the capture device was a program called wxastrocapture and settings were as follows: brightness = 27 gamma = 45 gain = 33 shutter speed = 1/33 and 15fps

in relation to the registax tutiorial i found

this a great help so thank you for that.. im goona try next time the sky's are clear and no work the next day to as suggested try with shorter avi time and wait for it to be higher.. i found that quite amazing that someone picked up the fact it was early on when jupiter was around 30deg when i took the avi! can that really effect the quailty of the image that much? and how did they know/!! anyway thank you so much for the help and comments and will post the second go so u can see the difference..

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Some good advice given BUT DO NOT REDUCE AVI LENGTH! 3-4 mins is fine for the focal length you are using. I use a far greater focal length and 3 mins does not cause rotational blur. Most of the top imagers do 3 min avis.

Your gamma should be set at 0 and gain above 50.

Very good first attempt!

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Some good advice given BUT DO NOT REDUCE AVI LENGTH! 3-4 mins is fine for the focal length you are using. I use a far greater focal length and 3 mins does not cause rotational blur. Most of the top imagers do 3 min avis.

Your gamma should be set at 0 and gain above 50.

Very good first attempt!

Great advice here. I agree totally

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As per all of above advice. Good start !

I'm just starting out with basic astro-photography too. I'm using a webcam as I don't have a DLSR, which probably adds another layer of complexity for you.

If there is one piece of advice that I've focused on (pardon the pun) it's 'focus'. Registax can do wonders but it can't bring a blurry image into focus. I'd aslo recommend trying a focusing mask. There are a few to choose from that can be made at home.

Here is the video tutorial that got me going. It even mentions the blue edge you have on the southern hemisphere.

Astronomy Shed UK Astronomy Forum • View topic - Registax Planetary Tutorial

Lot's of good photo related tutorials on this site actually. Hope it helps.

Good luck. Practice makes perfect.

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thank you all so much for the help and advice, the video above helped alot,. im outside at the moment with this loverly clear sky having another go.. i will show you the results when there done (and proberly be asking more questions ! ) yet again im much aprecitative of all the help i get from all you guys thank you

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