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We live in strange times...


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Weather-wise, at least.

When I woke up this morning I looked out of the window and everything was obscured by mist. It was positively autumnal. In fact, as I went outside to feed the pigs and chickens, Keats' line "Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness" sprang unbidden to mind. It didn't last, though. It's heaved down at irregular intervals ever since.

Anyhow, I've just been to have a peek outside and whilst there's a fair amount of cloud still about, a reasonable size patch of sky is clear and sharp and the Milky Way couldn't stand out more if someone had whacked a sign on it several light years across. It looks stunning. Really, genuinely outstanding, like you don't see it more than a handful of times a year.

I shan't be taking a scope out though because given another ten minutes it looks like it will be raining stair rods again :rolleyes:


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Yep, it's been a messy day, weather-wise, alright round these parts. We went down to Street / Glastonbury today and it could have been November at times with the rain lashing down :)

Quite a dramatic drive back over the Mendips though - cloud ceiling right down but rays of sunshine breaking through onto the Chew Valley as we came down the north slopes. Wish I'd bought my camera :rolleyes:

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You won't have been that far away then, though I'm the other side of Taunton. I always enjoy crossing the Levels and seeing the Mendips. There are a number of people in this area on SGL who I'd doubt would disagree that we live in one of the most outstanding areas of sheer natural beauty in the country. Not the only one, certainly, but definitely right up there. Right now though it would just be nice to be able to see it a bit more often :rolleyes:


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I agree! we went to Bath today and it lashed it down. The journey home on the motorway was just horrible. Its now the best night I've seen for ages with the Milky Way visible even from my suburban location. I've seen the double cluster and andromeda naked eye. I've got subs coming in but feel I'll need to keep alert in case the rain returns! And I'll need to be quick with the obs roof!


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I'm still waiting for the cloud gaps here tonight !.

I've sometimes noticed though that when you have a mix of cloud cover with clear gaps that the seeing in the gaps seems noticably better than usual. I've sometimes wondered if the clouds that "frame" the gaps are absorbing light pollution to some extent :rolleyes:

Or maybe it's just another sort of contrast effect ....

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I've sometimes noticed though that when you have a mix of cloud cover with clear gaps that the seeing in the gaps seems noticably better than usual. I've sometimes wondered if the clouds that "frame" the gaps are absorbing light pollution to some extent :rolleyes:

I've noticed that as well -is it genuie does anyone know? - or are we kidding ourselves like when the moon appears larger when lower? - Perhaps we're just so grateful for a brief glimpse of clear skies that our senses over compensate!!

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.... Perhaps we're just so grateful for a brief glimpse of clear skies that our senses over compensate!!

That seems a convincing explanation to me given the weather we have had this month :rolleyes:

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Identifying constellations when you can only see three stars is starting to become quite a useful skill :rolleyes:


Could be a competition: I'll name that constellation in ...... X stars :)

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Same in Cheshire last night. Rainall day, heavy rain, but during the night the sky was so clear between the clouds. Amazingly clear.

Must be the rain taking all the dust out of the sky that caused it.

Was imaging a bit last night, perfect pictures and it started raining. So frustrating but beautiftul in a wierd kind of way.

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