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Possible to use a telescope sitting down?

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I was just wondering if there is a way of using a telescope properly whilst sat down?

Was out last night and could only do an hour as due to ill health (and getting my false leg stuck in a bush....... long story!) it was all a bit of a interesting and shattering night.

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Many folks prefer sitting down when using a scope - let us know what scope you are using and I'm sure you will get some feedback on scope setup, positioning, suitable chairs etc. The more relaxed you are, the more you will see !.

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I use a height adjustable ironing stool for sitting down at the eyepiece. You can get them from Amazon for under £20 and a sound investment for comfort (and especially back sufferers).

You can get the type that ratchet up and down - or with a rotating seat that goes up and down when you spin it. An adjustable bar stool also works.

It only becomes a problem when you have (eg) a 16" dob or such like, looking at zenithal objects. Then you have to stand up or even use a step or a ladder - but at least you're standing up straight for a short while :)

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thankies! I will definatly have a look! - I only have a skywatcher 1145p - however it really didnt disappoint last night! Thankyou for all your help!

bcfcciderhead- i don't blame you! It was rather funny! I went out to my partners house - awsome place to view with no real light polution! - however to get to a good viewing point you have to climb up a little slope which is all over grown and yucky. needless to say on the way back it was hard to see anything, tripped on a random branch and my leg flung off (nearly taking my boyfriends dads head off to!).... and they say it is impossible for a false leg to fall off..... oh dear!

Oh well leg is all in one piece (if not a little grubby now!) and it was a rather awsome night for viewing. Will look up for a stool and then it may be a little easier to stare at the stars all night! wahooooooo

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ha ha I did try to adjust the legs etc- however I never thought about height of boyfriend when it came to choosing one (boyfriend that is... telescopes are more important right?! :) ) therefore the right size for me is way to short for him haha.

Maybe I should get him to join this forum - then he may get the hint hey!

Thank you for all of your help! I feel a shopping spree coming on!

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I had thought about using a webcam (im a computer nerd my profession) - just not sure how hard it is to get one and put it in the telescope etc- or what is needed. Havent looked into it much though (only this morning have I read a few threads. All I know is you need a webcam and the correct adapter and then it should work ok- however I worry about getting the correct webcam and adapter combo :)

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THe webcam is great value for money and most popular with astronomers at the moment - made by Philips (the Philips who do tv's and electrical goods etc).

Morgans is just a sales site - the only time I know of them to be slow is when they run out of stock and have to reorder. But they do deliver as far as I know from everyone that's used them. :)

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Not only is it possible to sit while observing, it is highly to be recommended!

Many experienced observers even say that it is worth half a magnitude to sit down. I think the difference is huge. The thing is that it enables you to keep your eye still at the eyepiece, at just the right distance etc. As a unidexter (in that immortal phrase of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore) you will doubtless find an even bigger benefit...


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Hi all,

From what I can gather from this and other threads is that certain styles/types of chairs suit a particular telescope?

This may sound daft but with little experience of different telescopes and from what I've read here - for example, that EQ mounts put the observer into strange positions - will one type of chair design suit one design of telescope?

The height and configuaration of the eyepiece and 'scope will determine this then? I can see what DonKeiller means by suggesting buying a frac or cat ( I think!) because the EPs are at the end of a long OTA.

Is this a redundant enquiry really?! Because the observer will simply find a chair to suit the telescope I guess!


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Hi Squif,

I recently bought this one from Amazon


It was the cheapest I could find and it is fully (and easily) adjustable. it also folds fairly flat for transportation.

I have to say it has made observing miles better. It allows you to observe without worrying about aching legs or back. It improves concentration on the object.

Highly recommended.

Simon :rolleyes:

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