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Tonights moon

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Hi CC,

Love i! You know when you take time to think about what wer'e actually doing its quite staggering isn't it? think back to the pictures you saw as a boy , THEY came from the top observatories, and now here WE/YOU are producing stuff like this! it has cost us time, money, and sometimes heartache, but staggering none the less, Well Done.

Cheers Frank

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Phil, it's the 16HR at prime focus on the 200mm Newt. with a Ha filter. The filter is supposed to help with the seeing as it only uses the red data which is less wobbly. Currently looking into having a bash with IR pass filters as they are supposed to be even better at dewobbling the sky.

2 frames stacked in Registax out of 35 taken. The frames differed so much that Registax refused to stack any more than that, so it might be better using a single one. Will investigate today.

Frank, I know what you mean. I've got some old books and the images are rubbish. They never used SC1 webcams or owt like that, just a 200" reflector on top of a mountain, and some bits of old window glass with stuff daubed on them.

Captain Chaos

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