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Suggestions for Telescope within £200-£250 budget?

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I'm looking for a telescope as a present for my Mum, around the £200-£250 price range. I have no idea really what kind of scope I am looking for, and as it supposed to be a suprise, I can't really ask her.

I know she wants to be able to see the planets in decent detail primarily, possibly stars/nebula .etc also, if this is possible within the price range. She was talking about the computerised GOTO ones a little while ago, as she finds it a little difficult to find the things she wants to view, and as we live amongst alot of other houses, she gets quite frustrated when she finds what shes looking for only for it to go behind a roof & loose track of it, but from all the information I can gather on these, it seems that I would be spending most of the buget for the GOTO & without it I would get a much better scope in general. So I am really not sure what to go for, the GOTO seems handy, but if it is sacrificing the quality of the images viewable, is it really worth it?

I would really appriciate any recomendations of scopes you all think would be most suitable within the price range to help point me in the right direction.

Thanks, Stephanie.

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My opinion is that, for the price range you mention, you should forget about GoTo. As you point out, you'll spend most or all of your budget on GoTo and leave nothing left for the optics. Finding stuff in the sky isn't that hard once you know how and it fun too. Manual tracking isn't hard either. For a first scope, I'd keep it simple and buy a Dobsonian with the largest aperture you can afford. Don't forget that you'll need some cash left over for a couple of eyepieces (if the scope doesn't already come with any).

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I would say forget about GoTo on your budget also. I have only recently bought myself a scope and was keen to get goto to start with but looking around I came to the same conclusion as you, most of my £300 budget would be spent on the mount. I plumbed for a skywatcher explorer 150P on a EQ3-2 mount which came complete with a tripod, a 6x30 finder and 2 eye pieces all for £290. My decision was made after a lot of searching around for reviews etc and I think I have made a great purchase for my starter scope. But having said that I enjoy the hunt for things and learnig how to starhop. I think GOTO mounts are great but not sure if there much good for learning the night sky. Thats my 2 cents anyhow

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Welcome to SGL Stephanie!

You say your Mum gets frustrated when she can't find things or loses track of them, that suggests she already has some equipment. What does she already have?


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Hi Stephanie, and welcome.

There are a couple of good starter scopes, that you will get really good views with.

Im with Helen, i would be interested to know what/ if any equipment your mum already has.

There are a couple of goto scopes in you price range, but the money you spend on GOTO, you will take from the scope.

Such equipment...

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 130P SynScan AZ GOTO

(If you can stretch a little)

Or if not

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Skyhawk 1145P SynScan AZ GOTO

This one is not GOTO, but when she finds it it will stay with it... (abit cheaper)

First Light Optics - Skywatcher Explorer 130P SupaTrak AUTO

You can get bigger scopes with more capabilities, but you will have to go without GOTO.

Hope that helps.


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Thanks for the replies!

Yes, she does have a telescope at the moment, I'm not sure on the exact model or even make, as its in storage at the moment, but I remember it was a pretty cheap one, as my Dad didn't want to buy her an expensive one, for her then to loose interest. But shes become more & more interested, so we thought we would get her a better one.

I had a quick google, and at a guess, I would say its probably similar to this [ Konus Konustart 700 Telescope - Best Price at Bristol Cameras ], looks very similar & possibly was a similar price. I'm not saying its even that brand, but something similar I'd guess, just a basic beginner one. It feels quite cheap & plasticy & the tripod is really wobbly & unstable (I'd guess part of the problem with her getting frustrated with finding/keeping track of things?).

Thanks again, Stephanie.

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Hi Stephanie, Welcome to the forum. Strangely enough I saw that very same scope today in a camera shop up the local high street. I have to admit, it's not the best scope available, and I feel that you're right about your mother getting frustrated with finding/tracking etc. I think with a budget of £200-£250 and your spec you should prehaps consider the options that Keiran gave you above, as they appear the best!

All the best, let us know which one you decide to procure? :)

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Hi Stephanie,

I would definitely pay high regard to what Keiran says above. The Skywatcher 130P is a very highly thought of scope for starting out and a lot of members of this forum use or have used it.

You can read a comprehensive review of the motorised version on our very own Asto-Baby's web site Here


Edit:- Bish beat me to it, must type faster

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I can reccomend the SW Synscan AZ Skymax 102 - will be good for planets and brighter DSOs.

Tube is short enough and light enough for the mount.

Alternatively the ST80 are well liked.

However there is a lot to be said for a basic dob and for your budget you could get a lit more aperture.

I went GOTO because I do most if my observing from my light polluted garden and to be honest it's made a real difference to me.

Clear skies


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As Keiren points out there are goto's at the budget, there is also the Meade ETX80 at £240ish.

One thing is that as it is a present and as your mother has mentioned a goto that is quite possibly what she wants. So getting perhaps a larger one that isn't goto may not be the best option.

Difficult as it is not for you and you have said your mother has mentioned a goto owing to the problems she has mentioned.

I would consider a refractor over a reflector, reflectors will at some time require collimating. There are guides and you can buy a collimator to help perform it. I have however the impression that this may not be something your mother would would think nothing of.

Are you around the Bristol area?

If so could you get to Ace Camera's at Yate (think it is Yate). They have an astro shop there and from what I have read are very helpful. Someone bought the ETX 80 goto from there and got 2 hours instruction is using it.

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It can be very difficult to buy (well) for another persons interest. Have you thought of introducing your mum to this forum? Discussing your mums astro interests and astro frustrations might reveal an obvious choice.

If its still not clear then, well surprises are overrated, maybe you could include your mum in the selection process which itself is great fun.

I think it's a tough call between a Goto-130p or a big 200-dob. For around £270 you can get a Skyliner 200-dob, that has 136% larger optics than the Goto-130p.

If it's going to be a surprise then my vote (based on what we know) goes to: Explorer 130P SynScan™ AZ GOTO Telescope | Telescopes | Rother Valley Optics

If your mum thinks she needs goto because she actually can't see much through the current scope then my vote goes to: Skyliner 200P Dobsonian Telescope | Telescopes | Rother Valley Optics

Good luck :)


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Hi Stephanie,

It has just occurred to me that if you decide on a GOTO you are going to need some sort of power supply, consider either a power pack or power supply from the mains. I am aware that you can power your system with replaceable batteries but thesse have a very short life, think 2/3 hours.

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Our site sponsors First Light Optics (banner at the top of the page) do gift vouchers, so you might consider say making a model of a telescope and wrapping that as a surprise, but leaving the choice to her in discussion with FLO.

If you do choose to buy a goto one, I'd choose a Skywatcher or Celestron over a Meade ETX.


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Our site sponsors First Light Optics (banner at the top of the page) do gift vouchers, so you might consider say making a model of a telescope and wrapping that as a surprise, but leaving the choice to her in discussion with FLO.

If you do choose to buy a goto one, I'd choose a Skywatcher or Celestron over a Meade ETX.


Great idea, no chance of buying the wrong scope! :)

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As Helen said, First Light Optics (FLO) sell gift certificates. It is a great idea to give FLO a call they are great people, and very helpful if you have any questions.

FLO also price check (not ebay though just other shops) check this thread out...


you really need to think about how much youare willing/or can afford to spend.

If you buy a Newtonian Reflector, you will need a collimator...

First Light Optics - Cheshire Collimating Eyepiece

Guides on collimating available on the forum, or just ask anyone, they sould all be able to help. Collimation is needed to align the mirrors. The scope has two, and they need to be in line to be able to view. it may sound complicated., but when you know how its easy :)

As Astro Imp said, if you buy a GOTO you will beed to buy a power supply. Again ask FLO, but i think these AZ scopes i suggested come with a battery pack that holds AA or some sort of battery, so she will be able to get started.

I spent a long time researching my GOTO mount, and what i needed to power it, so if that is the route you go then just send me a PM and i will help all i can.

Any of the reflectors i listed above will be a huge improvment on the scope you listed...

Anyway hope that helps


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