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Stacking, what am i doing wrong?

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Hi guys

i took a load of images of saturn the other night along with a load of darks at the same exposure.

I can create a master dark file in Maxim but whenever i try and stack my Lights of saturn it either doesnt work or Deep Sky Stacker says it can only stack one image.

Where am i going wrong?

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Well this is mostly guesswork because your post is woefully short of information on how you are attempting to get Saturn imaged.

Looking at your signature and assuming that indicates what equipment you were using, I would suggest you are using a camera and image processing more suitable to deep sky objects.



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Deep Sky Stacker requires stars to align frames. Your shots of Saturn may not have any. Under advanced in the register setup. Adjust the sensitivity until you are getting 10 to 20 stars. If you have to go down below 4% to do this, either you have no stars or your frames my be not exposed sufficiently for the computer program to register them.

With a Canon 1000D, why are you trying to stack photos of Saturn? It's capable of capturing Saturn without the need to stack.

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Registax will stack dSLR size frames - but I think that they need to be BMP's (not 100% on that though).

DSS will fail woefully with planets because that's not what it does.

Try registax - you also won't need Darks.



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Registax will stack dSLR size frames - but I think that they need to be BMP's (not 100% on that though).

DSS will fail woefully with planets because that's not what it does.

Try registax - you also won't need Darks.



Registax will also open .tiff, .png and .fits files along with .avi files.


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Ok i thought the process of capturing data was the same regardless of the object, the more LIGHTS the better & create and subtract the DARKS, FLATS & BIAS masters

My Saturn data wasn't great and there were no stars which is why DSS wasn't working, ive downloaded registax and that seems to do the job, it will read the jpegs the camera took.

At this point im just trying to perfect my drift alignment so i can take longer exposure shots and understand better the process of processing data rather then going for any finished results.

Much too learn still

Cheers guys

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