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Gina's Observatory


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Oh dear! :) It's working OK here, but I'll check on my other computers (Mac and Win XP). Which browser are you using?
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Apologies for no progress reports lately. That's because there hasn't really been any ;) Unfortunately an urgent, priority job has come up which is taking my time outdoors. I'm hoping to resume in a week or two.

In the meantime, while I'm unable to get on with the actual build, I'm using Google SketchUp to construct a 3D model of it which I plan to publish here later. This will serve several purposes as far as the build is concerned:-

1. To finalise details and check how things fit together.

2. To check that the roll off section clears the fixed part.

3. To confirm my calculations of viewing angles for the scope in the various directions.

I've only just started using SketchUp (as mentioned in it's own thread) and learning rapidly, though it takes some getting familiar with.

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Thanks Kevin :) It's progressing slowly but steadily - I'm gradually getting more proficient at handling the various SketchUp controls. I've drawn the main structures of the floor frame, outer observatory walls and roll off section. I have yet to add diagonal struts and stays, and other odd bits. Modelling the roll off section has already brought up an anomaly that didn't show up with 2D sketches, so SketchUp is already proving it's worth.

Still to do :- obsy end wall fold-down flap, warm room walls and roof, dividing wall, struts etc. and all the finishing bits (roof edges, covering, cladding, coach bolts and nuts etc.). Oh and... anything else I've forgotten :smiley:

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What anomaly did you find, out of interest, Gina?

I've been working on my own design in Sketchup since you mentioned it (also running it under Wine on Linux) and having got the floor framing, floor, pier and wall framing modelled have decided that it may perhaps be bigger than it needs to be (I'd started with a 14'x10' shed with 10' square for the observatory proper and 4'x10' for a warm room and storage. I'm struggling now between reducing the size to something like 12'x8' to reduce the cost of materials, or leaving it as is and having a more roomy obsy.

My son has just come in and, having been shown what I've done so far, said "can't we put two piers in, so we can both use a telescope at the same time?" :smiley:


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What anomaly did you find, out of interest, Gina?
I think it best explained with two screenshots - one from SketchUp and the other from XCircuit (the 2D design app I've been using).

The obsy roof frame is supported on 4 uprights each side, attached to the wheel frames at the bottom. I thought I'd arrange the front and back uprights to project just beyond the cladding to provide end covering and allow extra width for rigidity. The in-between uprights would have the cladding nailed directly onto them. The ends of the cladding would be nailed to extra strips of wood. The end uprights would serve as the end panels of the roll off section at both ends, so I wouldn't need cladding on the ends. And the cut ends of the shiplap side cladding would be covered and could be sealed against the weather.

Now, when I designed the roof frame I overlooked the fact that the end uprights would not align with the middle ones. As can be seen in 2D, I was going to bolt the middle uprights to the roof members. But, of course, there will be a gap. OK, I could put a spacer in but the coach bolts I've got aren't long enough. So I have some thinking to do :smiley:



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I've been working on my own design in Sketchup since you mentioned it (also running it under Wine on Linux) and having got the floor framing, floor, pier and wall framing modelled have decided that it may perhaps be bigger than it needs to be (I'd started with a 14'x10' shed with 10' square for the observatory proper and 4'x10' for a warm room and storage. I'm struggling now between reducing the size to something like 12'x8' to reduce the cost of materials, or leaving it as is and having a more roomy obsy.

My son has just come in and, having been shown what I've done so far, said "can't we put two piers in, so we can both use a telescope at the same time?" :)


My obsy section will be a little less than 8ft square. The roof will be based on 2 8x4 pieces of OSB covered with roofing felt. Outside of that will be inch wide timbers rising above on 3 sides and level on the fourth where the rain water runs off. The felt going up and over the edge pieces to prevent run off where I don't want it. The obsy wall will be just inside the 3x2 roof frame members so will be 4" smaller than the 8x8 roof. Thus, the obsy will be 7' 4" clear between the walls.

I would suggest 10' square is a bit bigger than necessary for the obsy and you might want a slightly different shaped storage/warm room. Yes, you could save on materials I think.

I think it's great that you have a son to share your interest and a second pier for him might be good :evil6: That would result in a rather longer (or wider) obsy I guess :smiley:

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I have worked out a compromise for my roll off (see attached screenshot). Reduce the outward projection of the end pieces to just cover the ends of the shiplap cladding. That reduces the gap to the point where it can be filled by pieces of 1" thick wood, which then makes my 180mm long coach bolts plenty long enough.

I'll also attach a screenshot of the whole model as far as I've got.



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A few people have said they would like to see my SketchUp model so I have saved where I am ATM with a part completed model and compressed it into a zip file to upload here. I'm attaching the zip file. Within the zip file is a .skp SketchUp file to be opened within SketchUp. Then you can look around the model from any angle, zoom in to the detail etc.

Please note that this is work in progress and has construction lines, measurements and various bits and pieces laying around. But it will give an idea of some of my design details as modelled to date.


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I started from scratch again this evening. Here's what I've done so far. The major bit I haven't sorted yet is the design for the roll-off roof. I *may* lower the height of the pier and walls, but I'm not sure yet.

It's too large a file to upload to SGL, so this is a link to the zipped skp file:



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Here is a very down and dirty attempt at mine. Drat, I find Sketchup very awkward to use.

JamesF I'm impressed with the detail of yours. How on earth did you do the chair, are you using a pro version or add-on.:smiley:

The model is only a rough idea for spacing more than anything else. The base is relatively accurate with joist at 14" centres.

Wall height is undetermined until I get the pier installed, but will be about 72". The obsy section will be 8'x8' and approx 8'x6' for the warm room.


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Here is a very down and dirty attempt at mine. Drat, I find Sketchup very awkward to use.

JamesF I'm impressed with the detail of yours. How on earth did you do the chair, are you using a pro version or add-on.:)

Sussed........Sketchup Pro 8.

I just managed to get a copy.:smiley:

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I started from scratch again this evening. Here's what I've done so far. The major bit I haven't sorted yet is the design for the roll-off roof. I *may* lower the height of the pier and walls, but I'm not sure yet.

It's too large a file to upload to SGL, so this is a link to the zipped skp file:



Looking good James :smiley: Great detail - I love it :) I see you're relying on the interior wall cladding to prevent racking. Interesting. I could do that with my warm room but not the 3 outer walls of the obsy section because I'm not thinking of cladding those. Doing away with diagonal struts in the warm room would make fitting insulation blocks easier.

It looks like you're having the roll off roof covering the warm room as well as the obsy part - is this right? I'll be interested to see your roof design.

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Here is a very down and dirty attempt at mine. Drat, I find Sketchup very awkward to use.

The model is only a rough idea for spacing more than anything else. The base is relatively accurate with joist at 14" centres.

Wall height is undetermined until I get the pier installed, but will be about 72". The obsy section will be 8'x8' and approx 8'x6' for the warm room.

Good start :smiley: I think your model looks nice and clean!

I found SketchUp awkward to use at first too but the videos helped a lot. Here :- Google SketchUp

and here (I found these particularly useful) :- Google SketchUp

The third group of videos refer to importing designs from a CAD app.

Prolific use of groups and components helped a lot in using it. Let me know if you'd like some hints and tips from me.

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JamesF I'm impressed with the detail of yours. How on earth did you do the chair, are you using a pro version or add-on.:smiley:

I downloaded quite a few components (such as the chair, desk etc.) from the sketchup 3d warehouse. Saves loads of time and gives a sense of scale to the design.


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