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ED120 10 minute first light


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Forecast awful but got home to see a big dollop of blue dimming sky venus and a crescent moon. Been itching to test out my new scope. 5 mins from car to EP! First stop Venus. Right above our house and wobbling all over the place. At first I thought there was some colour showing, then realised it was a thin halo then saw that Venus was being masked by some high cloud. Not worth hanging around there so over to the moon which was clear of the house and any other buildings within 10 miles. Looked a fine site through a 40mm EP x22 but got progressively better as the magnification was stepped up. Eventually found my way up to x150.

A number of people, esp Gordon have spoken of the contrasty views through a decent apo but it is a difficult thing to appreciate until you have actually seen it. The craters were crisper than Walkers and the definition was superb. Dark dark shadows in the craters with bright peaks. Just gorgeous. Unlike for venus the seeing was very good and the ED120 wasn't breaking into any sort of sweat at this magnification. I was about to try x200+ when the clouds rolled in.

And colour...none - that's none as opposed to well controlled. There was a coloured halo around venus which I presume was a cloud effect. When I looked at the moon through my 15mm Celestron omni at first there was a fringe but this was simply because I wasn't looking through the centre of the EP. As soon as I observed properly there was absolutely no fringing. With a 6mm plossl I just couldn't seen any colour at all. I can with the ED80 and even get a tiny amount with the ZS66. Optically that doesn't make sense and there must be some but I just couldn't see it.

I have also looked at the telescope in daylight FIRST ENSURING THAT THE SUN WAS COMPLETELY OBSCURRED BY THE NEIGHBOURS HOUSE. I pointed it at some fine dark twigs at different mags but again, no colour along the edges.

So, I am one very happy bunny. My session lasted 10 mins and was an absolute joy. Aesthetically the best views I've ever seen of the moon although ultimately I guess the C8 would show up more detail eventually.

:lol::D :D :p:):lol::D :D :p :p :Envy: :Envy: :Envy: :Envy: :Envy: :Envy: :Envy: :Envy: :Envy: :Envy: :D :D :D:):p:D :D :D :D :D :D

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Are you going to be using this for imaging??

You bet Greg. It plugs a great big gap in the image scales I could manage. But I also plan to do a lot more visual stuff as well.

When I've had a bit more time with it I'll do a fuller review

It's blummin lovely!

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You bet Greg. It plugs a great big gap in the image scales I could manage. But I also plan to do a lot more visual stuff as well.


Hide the credit card qiuck........

Scuse my ignorance but is this the skywatcher one??

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Sounds to me like a guy expressing his feelings about the ecstacy of his first love.

:shock: I remember that. Not quite the same, my right hand will be exclusively for the focusser :lol:

Any help with the clouds much appreciated Ron

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although i didnt buy it to keep it was a lovely very portable ota. btw have you got that bombproof wooden case?

No!! That would have been good. I had a chat with Keith about the scope so I was fairly confident that it would be ok.

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Sounds to me like a guy expressing his feelings about the ecstacy of his first love.

And mine is for the throttle... :lol:

OK Greg, I guess you are a biker so I thought you may be interested in this on Ebay 270091330995

It expires on the 25th.Feb.


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