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HI New here


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I'm Jayne from Yorkshire, I know nothing about stars or planets, but was told by Al your were a lovely group of people to help with general business advice and good to chat to. I am new to web business, even though i have owned a bakery for 12 years and know about business. If I can offer help to you too, I Will.

Great looking forum by the way :clouds1: (and the spell check is a brilliant idea)

Best Wishes


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Hi Jayne ,welcome aboard, well yes i hope you find this forum interesting,lots of different chat on here , i mainly post images that i have taken , like to share with everyone on here , and any advice i can give as well , would be nice if you did get hooked on this fascinating hobby , although you have to be a little crazy standing out in the freezing cold ehehehhe , unless you are like me , lazy, lol and do all my imaging in the warm , but anyway once again welcome ,




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Welcome Jayne hope you have a nice time here.

I suppose this means i have to watch my P's & Q's from now on :clouds1:

You probably don't know it yet but this is not only an interesting hobby its an amazing one.

Stick with it long enough and you will find this out for your self.

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hi jayne

nice to see you, of course we met on the ukbusiness forum, so we already know each other. But its lovely to have a lady on board. very glad you joined.

Some diamond geeza on here. And its not all shop talk either. :clouds1:

James and Grant are both business ppl here, grant is very good. He is one reaosn y i have bother much with uk biz lately. He is the man to ask if u have problems with your site.

now lets see if we can;t make an astronomer of you too. :clouds1:


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I love this site, It very arty, some of the pics i've seen are beautiful, they'd make lovely paintings. Plus I haven't seen one bit of bitching on here like the other sites....looks like your stuck with me :clouds1:

I may even have a go at a poem or two, that should be fun :clouds1:


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Please don't delete anything, I like a good laugh! :clouds1:

Nothing will shock me at all, I own a bakery and cafe and serve big gobby work men for a living, I could probably shock some of you with what they come out with :clouds1:


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Hi Rog,

Don't stop eating bread! Just run around your telescope a few times, that should work it off :clouds1:

And Spud...it's blumming cold on them moors too, even in summer. I live in the more built up area, about half hour drive from Leeds, so it's not too bad here :clouds1:


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