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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. Sure.....did you know, many American cars still use cart springs? Great for covered wagons....🙄
  2. We also make cars that can go around corners....😂😂😂
  3. What I meant was that both the BSTs and the Baader give a relatively small FOV and the Superzoom improves on it slightly. As a dob owner, I don't use anything with under 70°.
  4. The only problem with both the BSTs (wonderful VFM) and the Baader zoom (good images) is the field of view. Both of them need a lot of nudging to keep a target in view. I read the APM Superzoom has a rather larger FOV, but I've never looked through one.
  5. I agree 100% with those who say the perfect all-round scope hasn't been invented yet. If it were me, I'd buy the best dob I could afford for everyone in your family to get good views. Check out the Celestron Starsense dobs, which have a system whereby you can use a smartphone to link to the scope and point to the target you want to view. If you don't fancy that, StellaLyra do a wonderful range of dobs with the best accessories. If you think a dob is too unwieldy, there are a lot of refractor choices but you'd have to get someone else to recommend which one and, importantly, which mount. Whatever you decide, make sure you set aside some money to upgrade the cheap and often nasty eyepieces which the manufacturers supply. Either way, I wouldn't leap into astrophotography until you have a bit more experience of the sky, not to mention deeper pockets!
  6. A bit of high cloud where I am but enough clear spells to see one transit. My 6.5mm Morpheus is giving me superb views (187x) - the seeing isn't good enough for the Pentax XW 5mil.
  7. Ah, yes, I remember. A sort of DIY Intelliscope project..
  8. I'll certainly go to that if I can. I'm not sure about the spring Astrocamp dates (just down the road) and whether they clash. Any ideas?
  9. Can anyone confirm what I think I read somewhere recently - that the APM UFF 30mm and Celestron Ultima Edge 30mil are the same EP?
  10. Makes it all worthwhile. We'll expect a first light soon then!
  11. Nice scope in good nick...which I suppose is normal: it's almost brand new! 👍
  12. Didn't know you were an imager, Neil!
  13. No, it would have been the 100p (=3") and as its name suggests, it has a parabolic mirror, giving surprisingly good views. That's the one I bought my daughter. Its only problem is it's F/4 and the image size is pretty small. The mirror's good enough to take quite a high mag with a decent EP, though.
  14. Good to meet you too, J. Had a great time in spite of the weather - as you say, the DM were very welcoming. And nobody Welsh in sight! 😄
  15. I use lots of small magnets rather than one big one, allowing me to achieve a balance more easily. Plus, at least one is always within easy reach when I'm at the eyepiece.
  16. A word of warning (depending on which dob you've got). My Oklop bag fits my 8" StellaLyra exactly, but only if I take the side alt bearings off, which is a PITA. If I'd known, I'd have bought the bag for the 10" version. If by any chance yours is similar, consider going large!
  17. Ah, his car was there but it's gone now. No problem...I'll no doubt see him soon.
  18. My 8" dob just fits nicely in the passenger footwell of my campervan. It's even got its own seatbelt! I use an Oklop bag to protect it.
  19. Well, I'm here, not sure about anyone else except @reddoss whose tent is all zipped up. If you're around, mate, I'm in the white van with black stripes (pitch 5 opposite). Come and say hi.
  20. Quite illuminating, in fact! 😉
  21. Nice one, folks! So are you going to have a warehouse sale? 😉😄
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