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Everything posted by cajen2

  1. I wouldn't suggest that a beginner should buy a telescope from there. So many of their offerings are pretty useless. Firstly, do some research. Have a look at First Light Optics' page "Beginners' Telescopes Guide": https://www.firstlightoptics.com/beginner-telescopes.html It's going to be difficult to find anything worth recommending at a £70 budget but if you see something you fancy, you could always try the bay of e and see if there's a second-hand one for sale. I bought my daughter a Skywatcher 100p, which is a fabulous little scope but rather outside your budget. Similarly, a Skywatcher Mercury (has the advantage of looking more 'telescopy' for a child) isn't at all bad. If you do find something you like and want opinions, please don't hesitate to get back on here and ask.
  2. An aquarium heater is a definite no-no (I have four aquaria and have kept tropicals and marines most of my life). They are NOT designed to be run in air. If you want to save a bit of money on a scope cover, try this (or a similar one): https://www.amazon.co.uk/FiNeWaY-Waterproof-Breathable-Protector-Protection/dp/B09CZKKG8K?pd_rd_w=MZcuI&content-id=amzn1.sym.2fea9265-6ce8-40b5-908e-3e55f1bdf7f9&pf_rd_p=2fea9265-6ce8-40b5-908e-3e55f1bdf7f9&pf_rd_r=DCJHPVG3RTRXB5DW6W37&pd_rd_wg=tfPnF&pd_rd_r=9dad6c91-257e-478e-80ea-81beaf8661cf&pd_rd_i=B09CZKKG8K&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_bia_rpt_ba_s_2_sc It's breathable and designed to be used outside for months. £15 because it doesn't have the word 'Astro' on it! 😄
  3. Well, I've got the double mount by TS Optics and it's great for the Skysurfer RDF but won't house the Quickfinder unmodified.
  4. Awww, you could have included Morpheus!
  5. Got my TS Optics double finder mount today. Much cursing, as I thought I'd lost the right attachment for my Baader Skysurfer RDF but it turned up eventually. I'd hidden it inside an eyepiece box, obviously....🙄 So much neater and easier to adjust now.
  6. It honestly gives me something to look forward to in the winter - knowing I'll have long nights with Orion and the Pleiades to view. I swear I could observe something different around Orion every night and never run out of targets. Just wait till you get your first scope!
  7. Great start. TLAO by itself is a beginner's Bible. Plus hopefully you'll be able to see a lot of different scopes at the club and start formulating preferences.
  8. What did you have to do to it? Idle curiosity only, since I'll be using the RDF.
  9. Some people don't like having a red dot superimposed on the view - it tends to hide the target, whereas a RQ or Telrad have rings. I don't have a problem with my Baader RDF as I can adjust the brightness. Anyway, it's often enough to get the target in view without using the dot - like a gunsight. 9 times out of 10, that puts it in the FOV of my RACI.
  10. I was seriously considering one of these: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/telescopes-in-stock/starfield-102mm-f7-ed-doublet-refractor.html Less than 5kg in weight, about 2 ft long, two-speed focuser and with good glass (Ohara FPL 53 and Lanthanum). As I said, pricey for what you want (too much for me).
  11. I'll let you know if it'll mount a RQ when it arrives. It should just fit into the existing mount for my RACI. No idea about mounting a Telrad - never had one. The only issue with putting a Quickfinder on it is that it'd be pretty high. I intend to use the RACI and a Baader RDF on it.
  12. What a wise man. Too many people rush into scope choice, I think.
  13. Hi Chris and a warm welcome to SGL. If you want dark skies, you're only a couple of hours from Wales' Brecon Beacons. Spectacular skies there (when it stops raining!). 😂
  14. The question is: does chromatic aberration bother you or not? I thought of the same solution as you, but I couldn't be doing with purple fringes and scopes without them tend to be very pricey. I suppose something like a Baader Contrast Booster filter might help.
  15. There's a dual finder bracket that I might invest in: https://www.widescreen-centre.co.uk/ts-dual-finder-scope-mounting-bracket.html Edit: in fact, I've just ordered one!
  16. I used a Quickfinder for a while but found the tape wasn't good enough - I have to store my scope almost vertically and the QF kept falling off! I now use a red dot finder like a gunsight, without bothering with the red dot. It gets me close enough to use the RACI.
  17. Glad you're enjoying your new scope, AD. Sounds like you've hit the ground running!
  18. Sure - let everyone see the genius....😄
  19. You should see the dolly design, too, with levelling feet.
  20. I've seen it in both my 6" and 8" dobs, even in my Bottle 5 skies, but only on a couple of nights of exceptional transparency and seeing.
  21. But I don't want low power. I want high power with a good FOV. It's very difficult to focus on a target and absorb all the details if you're continually having to shift the scope. My smallest FOV EPs are my two Pentax XWs (70°) and I much prefer my three Morpheus 76-8°..ish).
  22. Right...used in cars till about the 1980s here. They don't make for good roadholding! 😄
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