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Status Updates posted by Mav359

  1. OBs roof repaired & upgraded, Scope in and ready...... Clouds :-(

  2. Out for drinks with my mates, got a 14mm Rubinon Lens. Blown away awesome mates.

    1. Mav359


      *Rokinon even

  3. SGL 9 Booked - Happy Bunny!!!

  4. SGL9 Booked & Now Hot Apple Pie & Ice Cream, The days getting better :-)

  5. Sitting in my obs.... Praying to the sky gods!!!!!

    1. Gartut200


      Are they ignoring you?

  6. So Long ISON We bar

  7. Stag Do Hangover...... Ouch!!!!

    1. JessicaFaye


      ouch yes... but fun I would imagine ;)

  8. Stupid Late Shifts!!!!!

    1. Daniel-K


      Stupid 12hour nights! !!

  9. Thats it, now you HAVE to a Star Trek, Stargate & Babylon 5 banners!!!!!

    1. emadmoussa


      DItto!! These are real sci-fi...

    2. Kai


      ROFLAMO !!!!

    3. emadmoussa


      Glad I made you laugh... :D

  10. The Squirells have chewed through the mains line upto my OBs, just as well it was powered down :-(

  11. Thread repair kit to the rescue, Azi bolts working again!!!! phew :-)

    1. Alien 13
    2. Mav359


      Well happy, was panicing there for while

  12. Wht did they park the guy with a bright light fetish next to me, hope he doesnt change his mind an goes home tomorrow :-(

  13. Wht did they park the guy with a bright light fetish next to me, hope he doesnt change his mind an goes home tomorrow :-(

    1. Mav359


      Arrggghhh hes at it again.... i'll be glad when he goes and my SGL neighbours arrive

    2. ronin


      He is being helpful. He is making it light enough for you to see what you are doing with that scope of yours easily and so you don't trip on anything. :-))

    3. PhotoGav


      Don't worry mate, I'm sure I can keep you well illuminated once your current neighbour clears off... I hope to be there tomorrow evening, though I'm keeping an eye on the forecast and might make an executive decision.... :-)

  14. Why do i get insomina on cloudy nights!!!!!

    1. emadmoussa


      Because they're horrible stuffy light reflecting nights..?!

  15. Why is the weather after a star party always rubbish, chomping at the bit here :-(

  16. Woohoo Obsy Roof Fixed

  17. WOOOOOHOOO £1300 PPI.... Thats getting burned on some astro :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fozzie


      Tough choice... Coronado would win for me.. Would love some ha views, but I'll be white light for a while yet! Enjoy your decision!

    3. tingting44


      that would cover 70% of a new CCD for me :)

    4. Mav359


      OB's has to happen, scope aint in there but there should be plenty left over, PST is looking good!!!!!

  18. WOOOOOHOOOO Getting my OTA back today!!!!

  19. Yesterday the Karate Kid turned 52!!!! I'm getting old :-(

    1. emadmoussa


      I wonder if his sensei is still alive..

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