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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. I have the 5th edition which was originally printed in 2018 and has been reprinted several times. My particular copy was printed in 2021.
  2. Just attach it to the guide scope with the camera nosepiece and focus the guide scope by its nosepiece. If for some reason it doesn’t reach good focus that way you can also slide the camera in/out by small increments to reach focus and fine tune with the scope nosepiece.
  3. If it’s the mini version it just slides into the guide scope and you attain rough focus by moving the camera in and out. Once rough focus is reached you can fine focus by turning the nosepiece of the scope. HTH.
  4. I have already got the dew controller.
  5. Just a small delivery today of a Lynx dew heater band for my Starfield and a Baader Q 2.25x barlow.
  6. A quick half hour trying out my new (to me) Vixen Apex 10x50’s courtesy of @Franklin. Really pleased with the clarity and sharpness of them, not to mention how light they are. The moon was my first target and to acquire focus. It was nice and sharp and a pleasant view. With the sky more or less washed out from the moon I was severely limited in my choice of targets . I caught a quick look at the Pinwheel cluster and the Starfish cluster before they dropped below the horizon or got too low to view. As I didn’t bring my tripod out with me I didn’t try to spend any significant time on any target. Just a quick look to try out my new binoculars. Why is it that the first few clear nights we get in ages have to be washed out by an almost full moon?. I’m still waiting for a dark clear night to give my 12” dobsonian it’s proper first light. Oh well, time to put the kettle on I suppose.
  7. A warm welcome to SGL. There’s a lot of experienced astrophotographers on here who I’m sure will help you out.
  8. I take it you want to image DSO’s as the planets have more or less gone apart from Mars which is getting really small. I had this problem when I first tried AP. The exposure is too long causing the white screen. Point your scope at a distant object like a tree and take individual photos of a really short exposure and loop them. You can then just keep decreasing the exposure times until the image appears on the screen. Then you can do the same at night only the focus is also crucial in the images resolving on your screen.
  9. There’s a YouTube channel called “Bruce sees all” in which all he does is take ultra close ups of the moons surface with his 14” Celestron Edge HD. He shows distinct colors of the surface which are mainly greens and browns. I think he knows every nook and cranny of the moons surface. Personally I have never been able to discern any color apart from the lighter and darker shades of grey.
  10. As do I and that’s exactly how I fit it on my refractor. 👇
  11. I gave the Starfield a short first light tonight. With the moon being so prominent and high it was the obvious first target, but I quickly slewed to the fast disappearing Sirius to check the optics on the scope. I focused and defocused to check the airy disc each side. All was well in that respect. When focused the star was suffering from atmospheric dispersion due to being so low. For this reason I moved up to Procyon to check for any CA. None detected. Now to the moon. I started off with the Morpheus 4.5mm for 157x. It was tack sharp and the terminator was stunning, at this moment i realised why I wanted to replace my refractor. I then upped to 247x with the 6.5mm Morpheus barlowed by 2.25x. I viewed both Clavius and Tycho respectively and the image remained sharp. I will need to get a 1.25" diagonal as I normally use a variable polarising filter when viewing a bright moon and this wasn't possible with the 2" diagonal I was using. I then caught the Beehive cluster which was nice, although a bit washed out. I quickly split Alcor/Mizar and Castor before I checked the ascending Vega for another CA check on the scope. Again none detected. I wrapped up with a quick look at M13. Whilst it was pleasant the outermost stars were somewhat washed out with the moons presence in the sky. For some reason my fingers are frozen while my feet are toasty hot. All in all I'm pleased that this Starfield is as sharp as my previous one. Time to break down my gear and make myself a coffee and cream.
  12. Won't you bang your head where the Starsense is placed?. Nice scope by the way.
  13. As a young teenager I used to lazily try and observe through my bedroom window. Even at this young age I realized that the views were substandard, and that I had to brave the elements to get what I determined to be decent results. This was probably more so, due to my young mind saying that more magnification equals better.
  14. Personally I would go for the Starfield 102. For an extra £100 you get better optics with FPL53 and Lanthanum glass over the FPL51 in the Stella Mira. It’s f7 but with the 0.8x reducer/flattener it comes out at f5.6.
  15. I didn’t know that about Baader cracking the coating problem. I also owned the Clicklock diagonal which I used with my Starfield 102. I found it to be a good diagonal with no false color I could see. Although I didn’t push the magnification as high as you did. I am now using a Williams Optics 2” diagonal which claims to be 1/12th lambda. I didn’t notice any discernible difference between the two. I have only used two prism diagonals , one being a Baader and the other the Takahashi 1.25”. Both were good.
  16. The Baader Clicklock diagonal has a 1/10th pv mirror so I don’t know about surface irregularities.
  17. This is no good for an EQ mount as the angle of the eyepiece is constantly changing depending on where your target is in the sky. Hence the clicklock.
  18. I prefer the larger Oklop bag for the 1000mm focal length. The extra length allows me to fit my dew heater bands and controller snugly inside. I also line the interior of the bag with bubble wrap. This stops the scope from sliding. The sliding is what causes the finish to wear off like what happened to @cajen2’s 8” dobsonian (I reckon?)
  19. My personal choice would be a very reliable boat.
  20. Another thumbs up for the Starsense unit. I swap mine between my 12” dobsonian and my Starfield 102. This being my second Starfield as I foolishly sold my first one. I found that I missed owning and using a good quality frac. As much as I love both my telescopes I would be lying if I didn’t admit to having one crafty eye on a shiny new Takahashi 🔭👁.
  21. Welcome to the UK and to SGL. Looking forward to your posts.
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