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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. I had both the SVbony UHC and OIII filters which I was relatively happy with until I borrowed the Astronomik UHC and OIII filters from a friend. The difference was apparent straight away with the surrounding sky being darker and the target brighter. Soon thereafter I sold both the SVbony filters and purchased both the Astronomiks. They are indeed more expensive but I learned with my eyepiece journey the old saying “buy cheap buy twice”. This definitely applied to me in this case.
  2. In reading the pdf instructions for the wedge it is supplied with an inbuilt ND3 filter but no polarizer. Unless I am missing something.
  3. I just tried it on my two phones and I can lock the screen for a period and it switches back on to the red screen. Have you checked for any updates etc? Or maybe it’s your phone itself. I do like the red acetate solution though.
  4. Sky Safari can be used in night mode with a red screen.
  5. I was also looking at the CoolWedge II as well as the Starfield wedge but the back order time is quite long for the CoolWedge II with FLO. Would I be able to use a single polarizing filter along with a continuum with the Starfield wedge?
  6. I am definitely going for a 2” wedge and will be buying it from FLO so I can always return it if it’s unsuitable. I think it will be fine on the Starfield 102 as I use a 2” WO diagonal for nighttime viewing and there’s quite a bit of inward travel left on the focuser. I may make a post asking other owners with Starfields who use a wedge.
  7. I’m going for a wedge over the foil as I’m led to believe that it has better contrast at higher magnification. When you say a single polarizing filter that can be rotated on the eyepiece does that work due to the prism polarizing the sunlight before it reaches the second installed filter? This is all new to me.
  8. I have never attempted any solar observation before but with the summer months approaching rapidly I feel like it’s the opportune moment to start. I intend to use my Starfield 102 for this and I’m about to pull the trigger on a Starfield wedge. Do I need any additional equipment like filters etc before I can begin observing? I thought about making a filter from Baader solar film to begin with, but I may as well take the step I would inevitably make anyway and buy a wedge. I just want to ensure that I do it safely and properly from the beginning. Any advice and tips would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  9. It’s actually 46 degrees for the SV131 giving a FOV of 2.25 degrees in your 130PDS.
  10. I’m following this thread with interest as I have also been ogling at the Starfield wedge.
  11. 2.5 degrees FOV assuming you took the 32mm plossl to be 52 degrees.
  12. The 17.5mm was the last Morpheus to come out after a long delay between itself and the others. Baader said that they wanted to get it right, and they sure accomplished that. It’s an exceptional eyepiece.
  13. bosun21


    Hi 👋 welcome to SGL.
  14. Same here. You will probably end up with all six of them like me. I am extremely happy with them.
  15. They are the same modules in all the Starsense scopes. That’s the phone modules I’m talking about.
  16. I have put it up on the “What did you see tonight” 👍.
  17. Hi Elrond, I transferred the Starsense unit from the LT70 to my 8” & 12” dobsonians. It worked flawlessly for months then one night I had the same problem as you with the unit not recognizing the sky. I tried all over the sky to no avail. I then removed my phone and discovered a fingerprint on the camera lens. I cleaned it and the mirror on the unit with a microfiber cloth then restarted my phone and app. Voila, it was now back to normal. I hope you find a resolution.
  18. bosun21

    (fairly) newbie

    Hi👋, welcome to the lounge.
  19. It’s just a standard Meade dew shield for a 14” scope as the 12” one was too small. Still cost me £115.
  20. Well the clear skies held up last night and I managed the first light for my 12". I waited until it was properly dark before I went out but to my dismay I realised that I hadn't aligned my Starsense unit in daylight since modifying the finder shoe on the scope. I tried to align it with Arcturus but failed miserably. Oh well the RACI it is then. I started off with both M3 and M13. Both were nice and bright with so many more stars being seen especially around the periphery than my 4" frac. I then went to M81 & 82 which were also noticeably brighter and well defined. The difference without the moons influence was really apparent in the 12". I then decided to look at Markarians chain which produced a string of faint fuzzies which was very pleasing to me. A considerable number clearly seen with direct vision and a number of them popping into view with averted vision also. I spent a good 30 minutes taking it all in. Next i went up to M101 and friends and also gave them the time they deserved. I then hunted down the Needle galaxy in Coma Berenices which is becoming a favourite of mine. I viewed all the galaxies with a Morpheus 12.5mm apart from Markarians chain where i used a 40mm and 30mm. I called it a night due to the extra time needed to manoeuvre the 12" back indoors. Another point is that I will have to acquire a short two step ladder to enable me to use the EQ platform. I found the additional 5-6" needed to try and lift the tube on and off a real struggle. In hindsight I probably wouldn't have been able to use the Starsense unit as the wind was quite gusty at times causing the scope to move. All round an enjoyable evening and night. Time for a cuppa.
  21. I find that the medium blue #80A is beneficial for Venus. Cuts almost all the excessive glare.
  22. I generally just use my Baader Neodymium filter when the moon is up to darken the background sky, other than that I do like the Astronomik UHC filter for emission nebula and the Astronomik OIII for nebula receptive to that particular wavelength.
  23. The first moon free night in a long time that coincides with a clear sky. Time to give my 12” dobsonian it’s first light other than a few stolen glimpses through clouds. Got it outside cooling in anticipation. Fingers crossed 🤞.
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