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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. Dark skies with the aperture. That’s what I’ll be happy with.
  2. The primary mirror has no means of collimation by the user. I take it you are talking about the secondary mirror. As has been previously stated a 2.5mm is too much magnification for a long focal length scope such as yours. Replace it with a 25mm eyepiece and SLOWLY wind the focuser knob in the one direction and then the other until the target comes into focus. The focus travel on a SCT is considerable and the focus point can be missed if not paying attention. Good luck.
  3. The closest you will get to a pre processed image is with one of the smart telescopes. They produce a semi processed image which can then be refined and enhanced with further processing. These telescopes range from £400 to 2K+.
  4. I’ve already looked on the Altair website and it shows the polarising filter being pre installed in the wedge and the the ND3 filter being external and screwed onto the eyepiece. The Altair wedge states that both are supplied with the wedge. The Starfield is the reverse to this with the filter order reversed.
  5. I just bought a little Velcro wallet for my filters that I take outside observing with. When back inside I give them a blow with my puffer and replace them in their cases.
  6. If you are referring to me I have already bought a continuum filter. I will try it with and without when I get blue skies.
  7. Where does it show the polarising filter placement in your Altair wedge? If it’s the V2 version then it’s the same as the Starfield.
  8. They only show and state the ND3 filter is pre installed in both the literature and diagrams. Although it does mention a polarising filter.
  9. After having tried all the common scope types, Maksutov, SCT, Refractor and Reflector both on Alt/Az mounts as well as EQ. I have settled on a 4” frac and a 12” dobsonian. I use the refractor for general observing which it does extremely well, however for those moonless nights the 12” definitely leaves it behind. I use it with an EQ platform and a Starsense unit for target location.
  10. The only way I know is to buy the WiFi dongle and you can control it with the Sky Portal app on your phone/tablet. The cable you mentioned plugs into the hand controller if i remember correctly.
  11. You will struggle to view Saturn with your monocular at only 10x24. The planets require much higher magnification. If you download Stellarium and input your location you will be able to advance the time and date to see the time of Saturns rise and fall. Just put Saturn in the search box to highlight it on the screen.
  12. I considered using binoviewers with my 12” dobsonian (MBII’s) but discovered that the Baader GPC for Newtonian telescopes was discontinued. They said that they are in development of a new design, so maybe in the future on its release I’ll revisit this idea.
  13. I have relatively good vision with floaters only appearing below 0.5mm EP. I hope this good fortune continues as the years tick away👁👁.
  14. In a second DPD delivery today (I don’t know why they don’t combine deliveries into one 🤔) This time it’s an Altair solar continuum filter for the wedge. Being cheaper than the Baader, both are 540nm and the Baader being 7.5nm whilst the Altair 8nm.
  15. The SL/ Celestron/APM are all superior to the ES 30mm.
  16. DPD delivery today of a Starfield Herschel Wedge. A very substantial piece of kit and solidly built. It comes in a quality carrying case with ND3 and polarising filters internal to the wedge itself. The brightness is adjustable by rotating the lockable turret. Looking forward to trying this out.
  17. I have been informed that the polarising filter is indeed inside the wedge along with the ND3 filter. This is rotated by the adjustment turret. I guess the proof of the pudding will be in the eating.
  18. The SL 30mm UFF is far superior to the ES equivalent and a good bit cheaper into the bargain. As you say there’s many great reviews from respected individuals. You can’t go wrong Peter.
  19. I have just received my Starfield solar wedge today and it’s an impressive bit of kit alright, however there was no polarising filter included. I have emailed @FLO regarding this after the previous posts on this thread. The unit itself is very good quality as is it’s build. Looking forward to using it 🌞.
  20. Another vote for upgrading the primary springs. I also found that fixing the collimation point with the collimation springs being well compressed gives even better results.
  21. Am I missing something? It says on mine that the extra £5 is for shipping from Spain and that it's the free shipping from the US that has custom clearance.
  22. As long as the polar scope is well aligned with Polaris that’s the important part for accurate tracking. The view not lining up with Polaris in your telescope is due to cone error in the telescope mount.
  23. I will do for sure. Coincidentally I have also ordered the Altair continuum filter.
  24. I have just pulled the trigger for a Starfield wedge. I was looking at the Altair continuum filter as it’s half the price of the Baader. Both are 540nm.
  25. Wow! Looking at that picture of the sun it looks as though it’s got Ha capability as well ?????!🙂
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