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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. I’ve never owned a flex tube dobsonian. I was put off with them needing a shroud and I was also concerned about losing collimation. The later point is supposition on my part but not being any lighter swayed me away.
  2. If you’re being recommended settings by people who know a lot more about guiding than me, I would definitely listen to them. I’d advise you to do the same thing.
  3. The SW 10” collapsible dobsonian tube weighs the same as my 12” SL solid tube dobsonian tube . Collapsed it will be easier to maneuver though.
  4. I fitted longer rubber feet on the base of mine to allow me to stand it vertically on the mirror end if I so choose keeping the weight well off the collimation screws. Like @Ratlet I also use a sack barrow to wheel it to and fro from my observing site. I then separate it in two to place it on my EQ platform. I also fitted two wrap around carrying straps which makes things easier. It’s not so much the weight of the 12” but rather it’s the sheer bulk of it.
  5. I think he means stacked 6 second exposures without any processing after.
  6. No that 200mm newt will be too heavy for it. The slightest breeze would also pose problems. You should be really looking at a HEQ5. There are some folk who have done it though.
  7. You won’t be able to buy a quality refractor at that aperture within your budget. To get a 125mm ED doublet you would need to more than triple it. You could look at the SVbony 102 but that also exceeds it. The 127 MC would give you close to refractor performance.
  8. A couple more binoviewing pairs delivered by the postie. 2 x Vixen NPL 30mm plossl’s and a 40mm of the same ilk courtesy of @Franklin . Plus 2x Celestron Ultima 12.5mm courtesy of @Alan White. Thank you gentlemen.
  9. More great images Kostas. I just need to get a decent camera to resume planetary imaging again. I was thinking about a 585MC. Thoughts?.
  10. Lovely detailed capture showing nice contrast 👍.
  11. It’s a very sharp eyepiece and is the only one where I fitted the extension piece to the eyecup.
  12. Which focal length is still missing from completing the set?
  13. I think I’d blacken an eye or two fitting it the way it’s demonstrated 🤕.
  14. Go on! You know you want to. Then there’s a nice perfectly cut out case to keep them in 😂.
  15. I completely understand your selling it and then buying another 😂. I have done this on numerous occasions as you’re probably well aware. Oh well onwards and upwards eh Stu?
  16. I was trying to track down one of these a year or two back but couldn’t locate one. Lovely scope Tim and I’m looking forward to your first light with it.
  17. These Nexstar telescopes have been out for many many years. Nothing new here.
  18. If I were you I would sell your existing scope and buy either an 8” or 10” Stella Lyra dobsonian. They are better finished than the Skywatcher and comes with some great extras like a dual speed focuser, an 8x50 RACI, and cooling fan. I owned the 8” model before upgrading to the 12”. 4” doesn’t seem a lot but in the flesh the increase in size is very substantial. I use a sack barrow to wheel it to my observing site and it can be a struggle to mount it onto my EQ platform. I would try and see a 12” with your own eyes before making the commitment. Flocking can make a small increase in contrast but it’s nothing significant.
  19. The body burns visceral fat before anything else as it's dangerous to health. Then it burns subcutaneous fat and muscle last. The body has a protein sparing system built into its biochemistry.
  20. I have the same few lights out the front of my house but zero out in the rear of my house (phew!) They definitely spill light out horizontally and are bright.
  21. mTORC1 is stimulated by raised insulin and growth factor in which a diet of meat will keep insulin suppressed. Here’s a short video explaining the basics. Humans on the planet have been carnivorous for hundreds of thousands of years.
  22. I believe that’s the lens cap hoodies that Stu provided a link to above.
  23. You should Michael. It’s worked wonders for me. Totally reversed my type II diabetes, high blood pressure and dramatically reduced my arthritis. Any questions or video suggestions from medical professionals just ask.
  24. I fitted the SSE unit on my 12” dobsonian and it works great. It’s perfectly fine in bortle 5-6 and possibly even higher.
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