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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. It’s your choice of course. If you can handle the physical size difference then go for it. Just to make you aware I’ve never ever mentioned the 12” 🤣.
  2. Is there any benefit to be gained in acquiring a 2.5x powermate over my existing 2x ES extender? Despite the increase in magnification are there any benefits to be had? I am pleased with my ES extender as it performs well but I have this niggle that a PM would be better. Thoughts anyone?
  3. On nights of bad seeing I just forget about the planets. To me it’s like observing them with my eyes underwater. Just a wavering, shimmering mess. Thankfully those nights aren’t too frequent in my area (touch wood).
  4. I have posted previously about this. I suddenly couldn’t get it to find its position in the sky after many months of working perfectly. I cleaned the mirror and also a fingerprint on the phone camera lens. Back to normal function.
  5. It’s still drying at the moment and I was considering applying araldite epoxy around the break to try and strengthen the join. I’ve also ordered some of the glue recommended by @StevieDvd. 🤞🤞.
  6. Began to set up the Skytee II mount with the 150PL last night and the sky was partially clear at the time. I was transferring the Starsense unit over from the dobsonian and I stupidly managed to drop it onto a paving slab. The entire mirror section snapped off from the body amid a torrent of expletives! Whilst I was ranting inside about the Starsense the clouds rolled in fast putting a halt on the nights observing. The plastic has sheered off at obtuse angles making the superglue fix the only possible way to try and repair it. This morning I have done just that with a tube of loctite from the garage. It’s now been put aside to dry and hope for the best
  7. It’s performance is excellent Peter. You will be happy with it, of this i am sure.
  8. Set it up through the day on a distant object and slide the camera in and out until you get a decent image. Once you have a decent image then you can fine focus by rotating the guide scope nosepiece and then locking its position with the locking ring behind the nosepiece. You can then test it at night to check the focus on stars themselves and again use the nosepiece of the guide scope to fine tune the focus. .
  9. The recessed grub screws are just to keep the threads clean and free of any dirt or debris. They have no mechanical purpose other than that. With the EAF plate secured tightly to both of those it should still hold the EAF securely. Remember and attach it to the single speed side of the focuser. You completely remove the thumb screw and put it somewhere safe incase you sell the scope down the road without the EAF.
  10. The two recessed holes either side of the focuser large silver locking thumb screw. Do they have grub screws recessed inside? I see that your focuser is circular on the bottom whereas my Starfield 102 had a flat bottom. If there’s grub screws inside then they are generally removed and allow the EAF plate to be secured by the supplied screws into those threads.
  11. Do you have a photo of your focuser? Also the underside of it with all the screws. Finally is it a 2.5” focuser?
  12. The one I had made by telescope maker David Lukehurst for my 12” works fantastic and even at the end of its travel is still safely balanced on the platform with no danger of falling over.
  13. As far as I know the template for the platform wedges is what determines the working latitude for the platform. I don’t see how it can affect the actual length of the platform.
  14. I found that 15 minutes wasn’t long enough for the Mak to reach equilibrium temperature. As a general rule I always gave it at least 45 minutes and even longer the colder it was outside.
  15. I bought a new 585MC camera and it came with all flat cables the USB3 included. That was about a year ago though.
  16. Amazing capture of the Jovian giant. It just shows what is possible with a collimated large aperture scope.
  17. A 10" dob just falls short of it at a maximum magnitude of 14.47. A 12" would be required IMO with a max Mag of 14.86.
  18. It's almost unmanageable on an EQ5 and really needs an HEQ5. I used to own one and had to fit an extension to the mount (EQ5). The extension made the vibrations worse but without it it's forever hitting the tripod legs.
  19. I use the iPhone app “Gas Giants “ which gives you the moons positions for Jupiter, Saturn etc. It’s also got a slider to input your observing time. I haven’t checked if it’s available on Android yet as I actually run both.
  20. I really hope that you get is sorted out under warranty, be it RVO or Celestron themselves. If Celestron are aware of it and it has been experienced by others then that’s in your favour. Good luck and keep us posted please.
  21. To be honest I wasn’t thinking about Enceladus but I am now that’s for sure. I was amazed at the detail and clarity and the magnification that Saturn could soak up last night. The rings despite their shallow angle were as crisp and clear as I’d ever seen them. The bands on the planet itself were sharply defined from each other. I could see all the usual suspects pin sharp. Titan, Tethys, Rhea. I was flitting between Saturn and Jupiter so recalling the moon positions is difficult to remember. I really should do a bit of sketching. The next time I’m out I will use my 12” dobsonian and go on the hunt for Enceladus itself. Challenge accepted. I just had a look at Saturns moons at the time I was observing.
  22. Lovely looking scope Tim and I’m eager to hear how it performed. PS: It does have a lovely handle as well 🙂.
  23. I think your being consciously aware has failed you on this occasion as it’s definitely been over tightened. RVO may request it to be returned but don’t be surprised if they put it down to you. I would look at sourcing a used tripod.
  24. I see you now have your EAF working. What was the problem? Software related I presume. I actually place my dew heater band level with the doublet lenses which is actually on the bottom of the dew shield. I see you place it where the tube meets the dew shield. As long as they work eh?. Cable management can be a nightmare at times can’t it. AP turned out not to be for me . I’m thinking of doing some EAA again though and maybe a little planetary photography. Oh no! Here comes more spending 😂.
  25. Out tonight with the Starfield to catch my first Jupiter of the season. Saturn as well obviously. The seeing and transparency was very good.I’ll write a report up tomorrow. Tracking Saturn through the sky
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