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Everything posted by badhex

  1. There's a few things that apparently aren't ideal, such as the USB ports not working whilst powering a mount, as well as the cover for the ports breaking off quite easily - understandably a few people are irritated with that given the reasonably high price. That said, I preferred to have the more stable battery tech option, so I still wanted the Celestron despite any potential annoyances.
  2. Skywatcher synscan USB adaptor for safe AZ-GTi updates, plus the divisive Celestron LiFePO4 powertank.
  3. Are they moving to @JeremyS house? 😂
  4. I have the same question @wibblefish but I don't so far have a perfect answer. The best plan I could come up with so far is to get some closed-cell polyethylene foam padding and cut several layers to the right shape, then glue them together to make a custom insert for one of the following bags: https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p170_TS-Optics-Padded-Transport-Case-for-medium-size-Mounts.html https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p11866_Geoptik-Quilt-Bag-for-medium-sized-mounts-like-EQ5---GP.html I think the blue TS one would actually be better because of the side pockets, but it's out of stock so I'm just biding my time for a while in case I can think of a better plan.
  5. After multiple recommendations here, Aeroshell 33 for eventually regreasing the Skytee.
  6. Hello all AZ-GTi lovers, Just been watching the official skywatcher USA webcast about the AZ-GTi and came across this nugget. The host does product support for skywatcher and mentioned the USB Synscan adapter intended for controlling older skywatcher mounts via direct PC connection, but said that one of the other things you can use it for is firmware updates. He said that it's more reliable than WiFi and you can even use it to rescue a bricked mount. He recommends that considering the reasonably low cost (about £24 from our sponsors), all AZ-GTi owners should just get one to give themselves another option for updating or in case of issues. I could be late to the party with this info but given the number of posts about firmware update issues with the AZ-GTi I'm not totally sure it is common knowledge. 41m30s for that part.
  7. This is great. I wonder if ADM will let you purchase just the new version of the puck? Maybe @FLO figure something out with them?
  8. I just found the channel a few days ago and this is the first video I've watched, it's pretty good. Another nugget I will post about separately is that there's a Synscan USB adaptor intended for controlling older skywatcher mounts via direct PC connection but it can be used for firmware updates too, in case of issues updating via WiFi (including if the mount is bricked!)
  9. Just been watching the official Skywatcher USA webcast in which they are talking about EQ mode not being fully supported. In the same section, they pretty categorically state that the CW threading being there at all is actually not entirely intentional or by design, so it's not strictly a fault if it's not present. I guess it's something to do with manufacturing but apparently the engineering team won't commit to supporting it. Skip to 32m45s for that part.
  10. Huh, just realised I posted this in completely the wrong thread! Should have been in the post person one. Whoops, sorry!
  11. Blown away! What an absolutely incredible build!
  12. When at home, my ZS73 lives in an Airport Essentials backpack along with duster bulb, filters, diagonal and the AZ-GTi mount head. The SW tripod legs and extension column live in a Manfrotto bag. Eyepieces normally live in two small flight cases, unless travelling in which case they are already in bolt cases in the backpack. As I have to traverse several heavy metal-framed doors and two flights of stairs, I will usually set up the tripod and mount head with the legs out but not extended whilst in the house, and while the backpack is open I grab one of the 2" EPs and put into its bolt case. With the backpack on, 1.25" EP case in one hand, I can then grab the whole mount/tripod by the column and carry with the other hand. Usually takes me about 10-15 mins to get all that together and up to the roof, but means that I don't have to worry about bashing expensive glass against metal doorframes or similar.
  13. I bought a ZS73 version III earlier this year and it came with the small risers attached already as part of the dovetail assembly. Might be worth contacting WO directly (or asking a supplier like FLO) to see what they can do.
  14. Oh and, M45 in my ZS73 with the 17.5mm Morpheus will no doubt be a very similar experience to your ZS66 / ES 20mm - it's one of my favourite sights and truly wonderful - glad you enjoyed it!
  15. Although obviously I have my fingers crossed for you eventually finding and observing M33, I have to say I respect your longanimity and increasing indifference to *not* finding it 😂
  16. Currently staying in Derbyshire for a few weeks and have brought my ZS73. Tonight was the first night I've had chance to observe, although there were quite a few patches of cloud every so often, so not perfect conditions. Although the skies are darker than at home (Bortle 5 in instead of Bortle 8 ) there was some lightness to the sky which I think was due to wispy clouds being lit up by local LP. I usually like to start with a good showpiece to 'calibrate' as it were, and so M45 was the first object. After a while, I moved to another favourite showpiece - the double cluster. Next up were NGC654, NGC659 and NGC663 which were not the most comfortable viewing due to their position nearer the zenith, but enjoyable nonetheless. Finally M36, M37 and M38. The first two are new targets for me, and normally M38 can be a bit challenging from my Bortle 8 location so expected to show a bit more from here. Certainly a bit more visible, but I will try to return to them again when there is no intermittent cloud.
  17. I have spent the last 15+ years in two capital cities, so reasonably dark skies have always eluded me at home, and short distances are not much better. That said, since I put together a travel kit consisting of a small but high quality APO, I've been able to take advantage of several darker skies on local or international holidays, mostly Bortle 4 or better. Sadly astro clubs seem to be thin on the ground here.
  18. Thanks Don. I had mistakenly thought that only a couple of designs were generally considered orthoscopic. Also, it's entirely possible I'm misremembering whatever I read anyway 😅
  19. Thanks Grant, that had been my thinking given how high quality the cables are. Many moons ago in one of my IT jobs I did have some fairly specific cables ending in RJ11s with boots - don't remember what the cable's purpose was though. I can't recall seeing RJ11 boots since then tbh, so I guess they must have been custom made.
  20. The lynxastro cables are great. The only thing I don't quite understand is why some of the lynxastro cables don't have a boot for the RJ11 connector? All of their cables with RJ45s have a boot - pretty much essential for stopping the tab getting caught on something and snapping off.
  21. Interesting! I don't know much about these, although I'm sure I read a thread somewhere that they aren't true orthos, but not sure of the design. I could be mistaken though. Either way, definitely interested to hear more about them!
  22. Might be an issue with eye relief but have you considered a BCO or other ortho for planetary? The BCOs represent great bang for buck, and the 10mm or 6mm would be lovely in your C6. Again, eye relief can be a bit tight though.
  23. I might be chipping in unnecessarily here, but when you say there is a hole but no threads, be aware that there is at least 10-15mm of depth unthreaded on the mount hole before the threads start. I was unable to use an existing counterweight bar from another mount with my AZ-GTi even though it was the correct thread, because the bar itself was wider than the thread, and could not be inserted far enough to engage with the threads on the mount. This is not my counterweight bar but illustrates the issue. Maybe you can test with an M12 bolt to make sure it's not just that the threads are recessed.
  24. Yeah maybe! I'll have to have a dig about, I'm based in Chesterfield for the next few weeks so there must be something nearby.
  25. I love it! Shame I don't have a lathe That said, I do have a puck already because I was using the ADM dual fit mini saddle (the one that also accepts losmandy). It's fine, but I will never use losmandy on the AZ-GTi and a smaller form factor like the WO would mean the mount will fit better in my travel case. I had stupidly assumed that the holes/slots on the WO would be the same as the ADM but they are not, so I will have to drill and tap the puck for the WO. Which is also a challenge because I have neither taps nor a drill press!
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