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Everything posted by badhex

  1. Took advantage of FLO's "Pentax Fever" offer, and got a 10mm to replace my HD60 😊
  2. Anyway - sorry! Massive sidetrack from the original topic 😬
  3. Ah yeah, sorry just using clutch generically, but you're right, it is variable friction. I do only set it once, but when loose enough to push it has this issue - but only with the 80ED 🤔
  4. I do have a counterweight which I've used with the AZT6 and ZS73 (and C5 IIRC) but I can't remember if I've tried it with the 80ED. I potentially gave up quite quickly given that the optics on the ZS73 are so good it probably outperforms the 80ED anyway. The issue occurs as a sort of shift/looseness when the Alt clutch is slackened off enough to push it to a new location. This means you have to push it further than intended in to get it to settle in the right place. Will have to give it a go with the CW to see if I makes any difference. Tripod is probably also a potential culprit for vibration issues at higher powers, as it is the black and white skywatcher tube leg tripod - fine for the ZS73/C5 but probably pushing it for anything bigger.
  5. In fairness, "undermounted" is probably not totally accurate for the AZT6. It's more that I found the ALT clutch to be a bit finicky. When slackened off enough to a gentle push I found it a bit wobbly with the longer tube, but don't seem to have the same issue with my much shorter ZS73 or my C5.
  6. Am in a reasonably similar situation to you @Ags, I think. I have had an Evostar 80ED for ages but it has rarely seen use. Partly, this is because of mounting issues. Initially it was too heavy for my old manual EQ mount, and when I got back into astronomy after a break, I fell in love with small widefield fracs and got an AZ-GTi and then my beloved ZS73, then later an AZT6 for full manual mode. Sadly I feel the 80ED is undermounted on both of those mounts, and eventually I did get a Skytee 2 but I also feel it's not worth getting out the Skytee for the minimal extra aperture. Enter the Starfield 102 - or for us European mainlanders, the TS version, Photoline 102 (actually apart from the garish silver trim and prefitted finder shoe, the TS version is identical to the Starfield and a touch cheaper). I made the mistake of reading a number of threads about the Starfield, and it has given me a serious itch. Actually the specific thing which piques my interest has been mentioned by several around the forum for many similar sized scopes, but summarised nicely by @John
  7. Cool, you'll have to let us know how the quality is. I guess some might feel the extra cost of Lynxastro cables gives additional insurance as the quality level is well known and obviously FLO's customer service is great - although of course this doesn't mean Aliexpress stuff won't be good too.
  8. The heaviest in the whole TeleVue range unless I'm mistaken? Just about 50g heavier than the Panoptic 41mm 😱
  9. As per @AstroNebulee reply above, I have not had the issue myself but read the same issue has come up a few times in posts on SGL. If the mount is within warranty it might be worth contacting the vendor in the first instance. That said, the washer replacement technique seems to be quite successful if you're willing to give it a go.
  10. As a non-astro aside, I can highly recommend the Lakeland heated drying rack - holds a lot and very effective, especially with the added cover. Genuine game changer.
  11. Thinking about it, a good place to start is the Skywatcher webcast on the AZ-GTi which I posted in another thread but has a good overview of the mount and discusses some interesting points: https://youtu.be/HdFt0Sc02gs
  12. Thanks @AstroNebulee, great idea. More than happy to contribute and help out if I can. Here's my AZ-GTi and its usual companion, a ZS73:
  13. Of course, fire away! I will share what I know but I'd hardly call my knowledge vast 😂
  14. Cool. Do you want to start it? Or shall I? It was your great idea so don't want to steal your thunder 😊
  15. Great! Good to hear it fixed your issue, my whole reason for sharing!
  16. Great idea. Surprised there is not one already, although admittedly I have not searched thoroughly.
  17. Great, thanks, good to know. I had assumed that the other aftermarket stuff should probably work too, so it's good to confirm. As there are occasionally a few 'bricked mount/update issues' type threads about the AZ-GTi I thought it would make sense for us all to share info.
  18. My Granddad's Charles Frank 6" Newt (I suspect maybe one of the kits), on a very heavy but sturdy cast mount and military tripod, modified with an AC motor clock drive. When I was a young lad in the late eighties I used to pester him to set it up and show me Jupiter, Saturn, the Orion nebula and other showpiece objects. He gave it to me about 10-15 years ago and after realuminising the mirror, it's still in working order.
  19. I'm surprised that it "only" weighs in at 11kg given the size. According to the listing, the optics are made by Hoya of Japan @johninderby - but not sure if this justifies the price tag though.
  20. My ZS73 and AZ-GTi combo have been by far and away the most revolutionary for me. Portable enough that I can fit everything in a backpack it had travelled with me to a number of much darker sites, and the goto mount showing me the way to targets I might otherwise struggle to find. The scope balances size and great quality optics, and whilst technically widefield, I've also done some surprisingly impressive planetary observing. Must also mention the Morpheus 17.5mm - have easily spent the most time at this eyepiece.
  21. So it is! Silly me. I hadn't noticed the 127 on the box, but actually I was thinking of the 127 anyway but typed 102 - not sure if Bresser even has a 102.
  22. Is this what Bresser would call the AR-152L or is it the AR-102L?
  23. I need to stop reading this thread... I have two fracs at my disposal currently, a 73mm @ F5.9 and an 80mm @ F7.5. The 80mm won't go on my smaller mount, so requires the skytee, but it hardly seems worth getting the skytee and tripod out for only 7mm more aperture. After all the good things said here, perhaps I should sell the 80mm and get a Starfield!
  24. Yes, I think if the battery itself works as intended then it's still worth it. The stable battery tech is the main draw, especially as it is significantly safer and by many accounts also has a lower environmental and human impact than some other batteries.
  25. After a reasonably clear day at points I had hoped it might be clear in the evening, but alas it was the moon through the clouds like everyone else.
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