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Everything posted by badhex

  1. Hello Paul I can't say much about the Virtuoso from personal experience, but in general I would say the AZ-GTi might be a more flexible/future proof option, although might take a little bit more time to get set up. Tabletop type mounts like the virtuoso will require a sturdy table or similar in your observing spot, whereas the AZ-GTi is supplied with its own tripod which I think should be okay for the Skymax 127, and can be more easily moved around to different observing spots or upgraded to a sturdier (or smaller) one if required. It also packs down pretty small as standard. I am able to pack my AZ-GTi and a 73mm scope plus eyepieces all into one backpack, with the tripod in a manfrotto tripod bag, which also makes it super portable. You mentioned about using the scope indoors - not totally sure what you mean? If you mean about using it through the windows of a conservatory or similar, in general you won't find this to be very successful as window glass is not good optically and will interfere with your views, amongst other things. There's also pretty healthy support community for the AZ-GTi here on SGL, see link below.
  2. Thanks Stu, appreciated. The ZS73 is a great little scope and pairs extremely well with the AZ-GTi. I'd almost forgotten how fun this combo is, I haven't had either out since November last year as I've been exclusively using the 102ED + Skytee in that time.
  3. Hence my anguish! A report of the X12 variety seems like a logical option but somehow I'm still not quite convinced. I'd really like a Gitzo 5 series but that are ludicrously expensive 😱
  4. Yes, the subject another another thread and some anguish on my part. The Zero is rated at 7kg but the tripod is only good for my ZS73 really - anything bigger and the stability is frankly shash.
  5. Had a little play around this afternoon to see how my sadly underused 80ED fares on the Scopetech mount zero and aluminium SW tripod. Not great not terrible - like the man said. Definitely the tripod at fault, though.
  6. Have been struggling a bit with anxiety, work stress (and an expensive astro purchase which didn't quite go to plan), all of which has made me feel like I couldn't face getting out even when we've had a stretch of clear nights. Last week I decided to forgo the larger scope and get back out with the AZ-GTi and ZS73 to revisit a bunch of targets I've been observing in the 102 F7, allowing me to also compare the experience between the two. Targets included: Uranus Delta Ori Zeta Ori M42 NGC 1980 / Struve 747 37 cluster Satellite cluster (a new one for me) Double cluster Mizar/Alcor ISS naked eye It goes without saying the ZS73 is noticeably less powerful at almost half the light gathering capability, but nonetheless still a great little scope with super sharp contrasty views, and super quick to get set up and cooled down. Nice to change things up and have different experience, and I felt better for getting back out.
  7. Hi wookie, Really glad to read that you've managed to get out again! Hope it's restored your faith 🙂 I've been in a bit of an existential funk myself but have been thinking about Leo targets being the focus of my next session, and reading your great report makes me look forward to getting out again! Thanks!
  8. Great stuff! I look forward to browsing double deep sky objects (DDSOs?) by constellation! 😂 Seriously though I love the Bortle charts. This will help significantly when going from my current location to somewhere with less hideous LP.
  9. Thanks all. I did buy this last year specifically for travelling with a ZS73 and AZT6 or AZ-GTi combo (so quite similar to your setup Ags, although I never personally got on with the AZT6): https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p8276_TS-Optics-C255FMO-Carbon-Tripod---Height-up-to-1560-mm.html It is rated at 12kg and similar to suggestions in this thread I assumed I wanted to approx halve that figure for astronomy purposes, which as fine for the above combo. I struggled to find tripods which packed down to ~40cm in a reasonable price bracket. It's fine; not incredible, but fine for the purpose. I keep the centre column down and don't extend the tripod further than the first or second leg sections, and I added a fabric 'tray' which helps a bit with stability. It definitely wouldn't take anything bigger, but assume it would probably be fine with the Zero + ZS73. Doesn't solve my current problem though! 😂
  10. I tried for the flame in a 4" ED doublet with both OIII and UHC filters and saw... nothing. But then I live in a Bortle 7/8 area so hardly surprising. Hoping to try again from darker skies before Orion disappears.
  11. Thanks for the detailed reply and the link, very helpful. I haven't specifically looked into the 112 but will check out the specs tmw!
  12. Sniffable Berlebachs and lickable objectives? What's next, the relaxing sound of a Feathertouch? 😂
  13. The William Optics Zenithstar 73 is great with a 35mm Aero ED (for travel, 12x, 5.5˚ TFOV, 5.94mm exit pupil) or 41mm Panoptic (10x, 6.5˚, 6.96mm exit pupil). It requires dark skies and dark adapted eyes for Nebulae etc. but luckily it's so small you can easily travel with it!
  14. Agreed Gerry, it's bonkers. I paid about the same for the scope!
  15. Very useful. I thought about something similar, like screwing in a short 3/8" bolt into the bottom and using the bolt head as the fulcrum, or perhaps even attaching the mount to something vertical so that az becomes alt and balancing that way, and making marks on the cw shaft. Never got round to it though!
  16. A similar thought has occurred to me. If I were to buy a Gitzo, I would probably consider it as something I can travel with as well, however I'm not sure a 5 series would easily fit in the side part of my backpack (bag is 40cm tall whereas tripod is 60cm) or be suitable for carry-on, so I'd have to make sure I have a big enough hold case to put it inside and pad it well. I do have a Manfrotto tripod bag which would also provide some protection. I've done it once with an aluminium tripod and was a bit worried about it denting. Not sure if I could do that with a Berlebach as it would take up a lot of the weight allowance.
  17. I like this approach, and certainly makes sense to be ultra cautious!
  18. Yeah, this does seem to be the general consensus. I don't know what it is, but for some reason I'm just not completely sold on them. Again I know that this puts me in the minority! I guess if I put it this way: If the Gitzo and Berlebachs were the same price I'd buy the Gitzo. I would love to see a Berlebach IRL, I wonder if there's a photography shop somewhere near me where I can see one in the flesh?
  19. I decided to return the red ones and get black instead, and also got two sets - two per axis. Definite improvement!
  20. It's funny how 1K EUR is completely reasonable for a high-end scope but the same for a high-end tripod feels so much harder to justify, even though the tripod and mount are easily as important as the scope!
  21. Thanks, Malcolm - good to hear real-life experience of the Innorel - and it sort of matches my guess that it's good, but not as good as a Gitzo. RE the Berlebach the same thought occurs. To get approx the same sort of max payload in a Berlebach you end up with something heavier which is what I'm trying to avoid, and even if I went for the lighter Report 312 I'm still lukewarm on the aesthetics, although I appreciate I'm in the minority there!
  22. Uh-oh another vote for the Gitzo! The Zero + 100mm frac combo is pretty much exactly the main use case, and it's good to hear that you feel it's a tripod for life. At 1K EUR new, I feel it would have to be a tripod for several lifetimes! I'm looking at second-hand options but in my experience here, people tend to knock off less than 20% even on stuff that is a few years old. I've even seen Ikea stuff sold at virtually full price. The lack of returns or guarantee means I don't think it's worth the saving, but I will keep up the search. Case in point:
  23. How do you find your 120 + skytee? My intended use, a 102 F7 is probably only 5kg all told plus another 1.5kg ish for the Zero. The center of gravity is slightly offset backwards from the middle of the tripod, though. Presumably that sort of weight would not be an issue?
  24. Oh I have not settled on an answer yet! 😂 Berlebach still in the running, I think the only one I've possibly discounted at this point is sadly also the cheapest, the SW steel one - as it's most likely not different enough from my EQ6 tripod. TBH if the Gitzo was half the price, then it would be more straightforward!
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