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Everything posted by badhex

  1. Ah, interesting! Most of the pictures I've found of the Astro-3 / Lidl mount show the square-type ali tripod so I'd assumed mine was a frankenmount! Perhaps this tripod is original after all. It's certainly more sturdy than you'd imagine a supermarket scope to be, but I heard that the Skylux was also surprisingly good.
  2. Thanks, yeah that's the closest I could get as well when googling. I'm going to try looking for 40mm adaptors if such a thing exists, but if not I think I can make this work with some sort of 3/8 extension nut, or if all else fails, a longer bolt to replace it altogether.
  3. Thanks Stu! Unfortunately I can't get the attachments though, it says they don't exist.
  4. I LOVE this EP! By far the favourite in my collection!
  5. I do - it's the same size and shape as the one that comes with the AZ-GTi but with holes, see below. The tripod is at least 8-10 years old as that's when I bought it, so would have to be an older model. It makes sense though that the newer SW stuff uses the same pattern of leg spreader and tray as Celestron, with them both now being Synta. Did you have any specific model in mind? I saw that the iOptron ones are also very similar but I'm not sure if it's the same exactly? Left is the spreader tray from this tripod, right is the newer SW one.
  6. Hahah inching ever closer to a Berlebach... I will definitely keep it in mind although attempting not to buy *another* tripod due to space! working on a plan to use an existing one I have and see if it's better, so we will see!
  7. Thanks Stu. My thoughts exactly. I have found the ali tripod was fine for AZ-GTi + ZS73 combo, but I expected it would not take the TS102, and it did not! RE the rods, ideally I'll try and get just knobs for it, but would you mind posting pictures of the ones that worked and the screw fitting when you get a moment?
  8. This one? If so, yes it fits. My issue was that the bolt at the top came slightly loose a couple of times when pushing the mount, and if this happens you obviously have to remove the scope, mount and the whole white upper piece to tight it again. Could be it was not tight enough, and/or the shiny white paint is a bit slippy, so I have thought of sandwiching a thin rubber disc between to stop it slipping. All of this said, you may find depending on the size of your scope that the black and white Ali tripod is not sturdy enough. I didn't feel it worked well with the 102 F7.
  9. Hello all I recently picked up a Scopetech Zero as a lightweight option with slow-motion controls, as I've never really got on with the fully manual, push only AZT6. For its first outing I paired it with a TS 102 F7 ED (same as the Starfield), a 50mm RACI and the aluminium tripod from the AZ-GTi, and some older slo-motion cables. Unfortunately, I encountered a few issues, listed below, certainly some of which are not the fault of the mount and some which are maybe just teething issues. I would welcome any feedback, ideas or experience from others on how to solve some of the challenges I have encountered. - Higher powers didn't fare well, but I believe the tripod legs to be at fault - they are not sturdy enough for a scope of this size, IMO. I am looking at other tripod options here (another thread in the mounts section) - The bolt inside the SW tripod extension came loose more than once due to pushing the scope manually in the Az axis. The az axis clutch was not that tight, but this is probably more likely the tripod at fault. - Those 🤬 slow motion cables! continually dropping off. I actually bought push-fit knobs but they are slightly too tight to fit, despite supposedly being relatively standard skywatcher etc. compatible. Again not the mount's fault but very frustrating. Better options needed! - Very sensitive to balance which maybe contributed to tension issues below. I particularly found issues nearer zenith, and I think the RACI being at 45° from parallel to the alt axis is the culprit, as this would shift the center of balance slightly as the alt angle of the scope changes. I think I can solve this by rotating the focuser so that the RACI is parallel to the Alt axis? The whole payload is only something like 5.5kg so well within the Zero's capabilities. - Some backlash and tension issues on the Alt axis. I couldn't seem to get the tension right, and I had a problem where if I "backed off" the slo-mo by a tiny amount (16th of a turn), the scope would drift - again more so nearer zenith. Is this normal? How tight is the clutch supposed to be? I had read that you should not tighten the clutches too much, but I felt like they needed to be quite tight so that the worm gear engaged. - I assume I will need to adjust the worm gears slightly, and looking at the pictures below you can see that both Alt and Az are nothing like square. Az didn't seem to have issues, so will start with Alt and see how I get on. Perhaps this will solve it the "backing off" issue described above? Any help or advice much appreciated as always! Alt worm housing AZ worm housing The whole setup
  10. Hello all I picked up these tripod legs many moons ago along with a small EQ mount I've since identified as probably EQ-2 / EQ Astro-3 clone. I am 99.9% sure that the tripod did not come with the mount originally, and I'd like to identify it. The mount itself was my first small EQ mount and is no longer in use, but the tripod appears to be chromed steel, and sturdier than the aluminium tripod supplied with small modern Skywatcher mounts such as the AZ-GTi. My plan is to be able to use it with the AZ-GTi and/or Scopetech Zero as the ali tripod does not fare well with larger scopes like the TS 102 F7 ED. Some modification will be required, but if I can identify it I may be able to find a pre-made adapter. Mount head recess is approximately 40mm diameter (not 45mm like the scopetech adaptor), and it's a standard ⅜" bolt. The plastic disc on top is simply held on with a single screw, and just acts as a kind of washer.
  11. Thanks Magnus. I do have a multi-purpose bag from TS (actually I'm certain it's the same bag that the Skymax 102 comes in) which I've been toying with the idea of using for the ever-increasing number of misc bits and bobs that one needs to take observing, cables batteries packs etc. Perhaps I could use that to carefully but loosely pack everything similarly to your approach. Ironically, said bag is currently housing an old EQ mount head and loads of bits and bobs that one DOESN'T need to carry anywhere such as unused velcro carry case inserts and such. Probably not the best use.
  12. Hello all, I've recently become the owner of the below 50mm RACI finder from TS, and now I'm wondering about the best way to store it. Ideally, it would be great to store it with the rings and scope assembled but it's rather an odd shape, with screws sticking out etc. Unfortunately, leaving it set up on a scope is not an option for me. Another option would be the original packing foam but would need to be somewhat disassembled each time, and I'd need to find an outer bag with the right dimensions. On the lookout for any other solutions - I'm assuming others must have had the same problem?
  13. Thanks - yes it's only had one outing so far but very useful! RE the bolt holes, sadly not, although I do actually like the spring loaded design more than 3 screws. Either way, all is now well - I spoke to the vendor and they've sent me a new ring in the post which is now assembled.
  14. Last night - same scope, but now with a decent finder.
  15. First night out with the new finder setup alongside my TS102 F7 ED last night. 100% clear but seeing was a bit wobbly at higher powers. I'll write up a proper report later, but overall a great evening. Targets were: - All six components of the Trapezium - first time seeing them all! Delighted. - Tried Zeta Ori again and succeeded this time at 200x - secondary seemed very orange - Struve 790, found but very faint secondary - Lambda Ori, very easy and a lovely view - Rigel - itself a bit wobbly but secondary a surprising pinpoint - Mizar - very easy split - Uranus - maybe! Not totally sure if I got it, very low on the horizon and very orange/brown - Pleiades - 17mm and 35mm EPs, but a little underwhelming in both. A much nicer target in my ZS73
  16. I'm of the age group who can switch seamlessly between lbs/oz and kg/g for recipes as I learnt lbs/oz from my mum but was taught in kg/g at school. Don't get me started on cups though!
  17. No problem. With the rotating tip, it's more to see whether the mount bubble level stays level. Try and see - if it doesn't, then try levelling just using the tripod to see if you get a better result. RE the readings on the app - good question! Theoretically both axes should reset to zero after doing the first step of north level, however you don't actually see this as obviously you then go on to further align two more objects. It may also be that it holds the values in temporary memory and only 'commits' them once you've completed the alignment process - not sure.
  18. Couple of thoughts here @OK Apricot 1. With my AZ-GTi in Alt-Az mode, it's basically impossible to level using the bubble on the mount itself. Even if I'm perfectly level, if I then rotate the mount on the AZ axis, the bubble is way off. Try levelling yours using the mount bubble level and then unlock the az clutch adn rotate it to see if the bubble stays level. Even though it's counter-intuitive (as you said, the mount should be level not the tripod) I have only ever been successful when levelling using the tripod bubble level. 2. I don't use a three-star alignment, as the north-level is way quicker and usually pretty accurate straight away. It will continually improve over the next few objects as you always have the 'center object' dialogue after each slew. I tend to find after the 3rd or maybe 4th object it's perfect. 3. The auxiliary encoders are very helpful (read: essential) if you want to manually move the scope for whatever reason by unlocking the clutches, but in general you don't need to turn them on if you're only ever using the app or hand controller to point the scope, and apparently they actually reduce accuracy. According to skywatcher: "If an user does not need to rotate the mount manually after alignment, it is recommended to disable this feature to obtain the best pointing accuracy." All of that said, I often turn them on and have seen no appreciable negative effect on accuracy. Apologies if any of this has already been said or if it clashes with other advice; advice is based on my own experience of the AZ-GTi over the last year or so, so as always your experiences may be different. It may be worth trying the tripod levelling/North level trick just to see if it helps.
  19. It was yours that inspired this purchase actually! I'm 99% sure it's the same optically and mechanically as the William Optics one.
  20. Does this count? 50/208mm ~F4.2 finderscope. Testing out EP combos last night, for fun I had a 4.5mm Morpheus in it giving me 46x and I split Mizar's A and B components.
  21. After much deliberation, I finally picked up a TS Optics 50mm finder (which I'm almost 100% certain is the same as the William Optics one, but not in jazzy colours). Annoyingly one of the holes for the adjustment screws on the rings is not tapped, but have at least been able to test by shimming the gap with some soft plastic. Also got an SCT finder base for my C5 and a carry handle for my TS102 F7 ED.
  22. Testing out different EP combos in my new 50mm finder - turns out it's the 17.5mm Morpheus, unsurprisingly. It's nearly as big as the finder itself!
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