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Everything posted by badhex

  1. Hi @ED Splitter (is that like Ed Banger? 😅) I have a choice of two mounts for this setup. I was initially using an AZ-GTi which is around 1kg with a replacement ADM saddle (the original one is just a single screw type, which I'm not a fan of). It's pretty reasonably priced for a goto mount and very compact. I have recently been favouring fully manual observing with the Scopetech Mount Zero (about 1.5kg with replacment saddle), so I can take either with me in the kit depending what I want to use. Both are great mounts for their size and type, but each has a couple of foibles. I haven't really experienced many issues with the AZ-GTi but some have had problems with it being a bit finicky with power sources or sometimes issues with random slewing. You also need a power source (it takes 8x AA batteries or an external 12v DC) and a phone to control it. The Zero is a bit picky on balance as is the nature of the type of mount, but once you've figured out the balance point it's fantastic. It's also quite expensive. Here is the travel kit packed down with the AZ-GTi, although these pictures show my older tripod and not the Gitzo. I normally wrap the mount and diagonal in soft cloth bags designed for camera equipment so I can stow spare bits and bobs like the 1.25" adapter in the same section and not have stuff floating about and bashing together. If I want to take the Zero, the AZ-GTi comes out and the Zero goes in its place. Annoyingly the section is not quite large enough to have the Zero stowed in travel configuration so I wrap the larger arm in the cloth bag, then just put the smaller arm with it in the same section.
  2. Hello @BS269 I know this thread is ancient but it's such a fantastic job, I was wondering if you could share a bit about your process for the refurb? Things like how you prepared the surfaces, what the materials for the various surfaces were and which paints you used. Thanks!
  3. Ha, sorry I replied in a rush and hadn't realised you'd already mentioned this fact. @LDW1 you're in Canada right? I don't know anything about Canadian vendors but in the UK and Europe, the Celestron version of these EPs are a touch more expensive than the APM etc. counterparts. In particular the 24mm and 30mm always seem to be quite a lot more. Apart from cosmetics they're all identical, so if you can get any of the other brands they might be cheaper. The 24mm Ultra Flat Field is an excellent EP and even better when you consider the price. As far as I am aware all the FLs are similarly excellent.
  4. Also, APM in Germany who I think originally commissioned the design from KUO ? I got the 24mm UFF from the Widescreen Centre when I was over there last.
  5. Indeed, I can't argue with that! I kept saying to myself "must buy thumbscrews", and then when it started to seize I immediately thought of your post.
  6. I don't know the ES Essentials but I would still probably say you're better off with the Starfield. It will be a much easier scope to manage weight wise, and the cooldown (quicker with the Starfield) will make a huge difference to portability / grab and go usage.
  7. So. As above, I got the replacement on the 1st, and it's had just a handful of outings since then. Like an idiot, I have not quite got round to replacing the thumbscrews yet... you can guess what comes next. Last night when I was out, towards the end of the session I started to feel the screw getting tight, so I stuck with 1.25" EPs and left the adaptor in for the rest of the session. Looking at it today, the end of the screw was not in a bad condition like the last. I could feel that it was tight on the last few unscrews, but at least I got it undone using only hand force. I cleaned up the screw of any detritus, popped a tiny blob of grease on it and ran it back and forth a few turns. it now moves smoothly, but I'm getting some replacement thumbscrews ASAP. Given that they told me like this was a complete replacement (and it looked brand new) it does not bode well for the sending it back for another, and TBH I'm pretty tired of this nonsense so I'm giving up. I'll replace the screws and use it as a backup. I am going to do what I probably should have done in the first place and get the Baader BBHS clicklock!
  8. Not sure how I missed this before @Victor Boesen - wonderful report! Also love the pictures - I can never manage to get good phone pictures!
  9. I know we put the original topic to bed here, but on the question about the designers: the shape of the EP plus the rubber grip pattern was really familiar to me but I couldn't figure out where I'd seen them before, until the APM Super Zoom thread had a bit of a revival: Maybe not an exact match but pretty close in design aesthetic. In this thread, Marcus from APM confirms the super zoom is KUO made. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/758189-new-apm-zoom-eyepiece-77mm-154mm-75°-constant-fov/ I'm not saying this is hard evidence but if it is actually KUO made, it does seem a bit strange to have some pseudo-100° EPs when we know they make actually decent true 100° EPs. Then again, I guess they could just be manufacturing to a price point set by TS and others.
  10. Wanted to try my new Powermate out in my TS102 and at 2200 it was perfectly clear, so got the scope outside cooling on the balcony. Went to get it at midnight ready to go upstairs - 100% cloud cover 🙄
  11. Deffo worth having a read through that thread, lots of chat about using Berlebachs im this exact setup. Personally, I know I'm the outlier but I didn't go for the Berlebachs because I've never felt that attracted to them aesthetically (I know, wash my mouth out!) plus the portability aspect. The Gitzo is only 2.5kg, making the tripod+mount only 4kg - I can easily carry that two flights of stairs with one hand, EP case in the other and the scope bag on my shoulder.
  12. Hello @jjohnson3803 (I am also a J. Johnson 🙂) I don't know the specific manfrotto tripod you mentioned but could that be the culprit? I'm using my Starfield (I have the identical TS-Optics version) on a Scopetech mount zero and Gitzo Systematic Series 5, which is an excellent combo. I believe a few others are using some of the lighter Berlebachs, although they also may be slightly less portable. I was previously using it with a Skytee-2 and EQ6 tripod which is rock solid but not very portable at all. I have nothing bad to say about the Gitzo apart from the terrifying price! It took me a while to finally take the plunge but I have not regretted it. Bit more discussion here that might be of interest:
  13. So what is it? I've never seen one before, no-one has, but I'm guessing it's a white hole.
  14. Great choice on both fronts, the EQ5 should have no problems with the Starfield at all. I initially got a Skytee-2 and used the EQ6 tripod which is a super rock solid combo, but as I have to traverse 2 flights of stairs to observe it's a bit of a pain lugging all that weight. I have been using a Gitzo 5 series and Scopetech mount zero which is rated for much lower capacity overall than an EQ5 so you should golden. Assuming you go for the Starfield I echo @Mr Spock in saying you will not be disappointed. In fact, much like you I was also inspired by his posts on the Starfield! Another inspiration for me was @John pointing out that with this size of scope you can go from 4° TFOV at one end to 200x at the other merely with the switch of an eyepiece 🙂
  15. I was actually going to ask - @bosun21what mount and tripod do you intend to use your potential new purchase with?
  16. +1 here for the Starfield. I have the TS-Optics version which is exactly the same optics and build, except for the cosmetics. It's a great scope, very lightweight and I can also vouch for the lack of CA even at very high powers. I had it at 397x on the moon as a completely over the top test, and to my surprise it was still super sharp with no CA. The below was taken just with a phone.
  17. Just re-reading your initial thoughts @Space Hopper and this photo containing the APM zoom I decided a while ago I definitely do not need and the Baader clicklock diagonal I recently talked myself out of is acting in a very threatening manner towards my bank balance!
  18. Thanks Stu. I think it would in the first instance possibly used for a quick way to ping club members to alert them to topics around buying or selling in the main forum, although I admit I don't really know how the clubs part of the forums works, as I'm not in any! I guess it won't be likely that people would want to post content that would normally live in another part of the forum.
  19. Nope, I was waiting for the mods to reply. I'll tag a couple of mods and see what they say. @Stu and other mods, any chance you can advise on the above?
  20. Oh no, now I find it fits in with my upper and lower bounds of ideal EP weight! This could be expensive! Great report so far, thanks. Really interested to hear how it performs under the stars!
  21. Hello all, This is a question partly for the mods, but also to our numerous members like myself who are based in mainland Europe and within the EU. After it came up a few times in PMs and other threads, @Ags, @Victor Boesen and myself have briefly talked about ways to facilitate finding EU members, for topics such as buying/selling which is unfortunately quite difficult, as well as other relevant conversations about vendors, local clubs etc. As there are fairly small number in comparison with UK members, a single group / club for all of Europe mainland in the 'Clubs' section of SGL seems a sensible option. Hopefully it goes without saying that there's no kind of political angle to this idea, purely a way to more easily find members in mainland Europe, and make buying/selling etc a bit easier. Firstly, does this sounds like a good idea? Secondly, mods - how would we go about creating such a club? If there is a better way to achieve this goal, I'd also love to hear suggestions 🙂 Thanks everyone!
  22. Overkill it is, but crikey is it stable! 😂💪
  23. Yes, I was being generous with the 25% thing - I usually call it the "rule of the last 5%" which is basically where all your money goes! I'm not really an audiophile but that's another classic example of the same thing. RE the Innorel, yes I've seen quite a few mentions of that around. I can't remember off the top of my head who it was but someone said they got an Innorel and were wondering if the Gitzo would have been better, but it's a vastly more expensive choice! On travelling, TBH if I can manage it I'd like to take the Gitzo 5 with me, and have done on domestic trips, but the Gitzo 2 Traveller is much smaller at ~45cm packed which means it fits on the side of my travel kit backpack, hence my eventual decision to get it.
  24. Cheers Victor! I'm taking it on holiday later this year so hopefully there should be some reports from that! The TS-Optics tripod I already have was used with an AZ-GTi on holidays last year. I'd say it's fine but obviously not to the same standard as the Gitzo, especially not for fully manual observing where you're frequently touching the mount, focuser etc. It's an expensive upgrade - three times as much as the TS - and the thought process is like "is it three times better?". Not sure I can say yes to that, but in this hobby the money spent on the last 25% of quality is often disproportionately high! I was torn between a Barlow and a Powermate. I also looked at the VIP after you talked about it in another post - it looks super interesting and I love how modular it is! I already have a GSO 2.5x Barlow which is pretty good but not perfect (again chasing that last 25%!) and so in the end I decided on the PM because I like the idea that the light cone is essentially unchanged apart from pure magnification. Obviously the downside is that short FL EPs with tight eye relief like the BCO don't gain any more comfortable viewing, but I figured if I really need that extra ER I can use the GSO. Looking forward to trying out the PM in my TS102 next 🙂
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