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Everything posted by badhex

  1. Ah thanks Laurie. See above, I hadn't thought about exit pupil in my F5 scope - the exit pupil would be over 10mm! Probably a good thing anyway... I'm supposed to not be thinking about buying more EPs...
  2. Good knowledge Dude, thanks I've found one of what is presumably the new runs here: http://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/07178-02.html and a couple of other places, which was what I meant by affordable. To be honest, I wasn't really thinking about it properly last night anyway - given that the scope I would primarily use any 2" EPs in will be the F5 frac I'm currently renovating, 30mm is about the lowest I can use because of the low mags and size of the exit pupil, 26x and 5.8mm respectively.
  3. I should have added that most low power 2" eps I have heard good things about tend to be insane cash (well, insane for my budget anyway!)
  4. Lovely set. Is that 56mm a Meade 4000? How do the 2" Meade 4000 stand up to the slightly newer Meade offerings, anyone know? I might like to get my hands on one as they tend to be a lot more affordable and I love the 5000 UWA and HD-60 that I have already.
  5. Derek, thankfully (or not?) I'm a fair bit away from my next EP purchase, but the mind does tend to wander! I reckon I could put the high power next to the 9mm, then start a new row above where the filter case currently is. The stock SW 25mm/10mm will go once I have a low power to replace it, I've already replaced the 10mm with that HD60 so is just taking up space really,
  6. That's exactly what I've done John. You can see the minor reorganisation I made where the barlow and webcam are but they do spring back pretty well.
  7. This is brilliant I've been having nightmares about the fact that I put my 18mm Meade 5000 UWA in the bottom corner of my case, and a 9mm HD-60 next to it, which means I'm going to have to reorganise the whole lot once I get a wide angle 32mm or high power EP. Maybe some of them will be the same size (ish) and therefore can do a straight swap...
  8. Wow. Very impressive! I think it will be a long time before I get to that standard...
  9. It's pretty pleasing floater,thanks! Shame I have not had chance to use the 9mm...
  10. Hi all Thought I might as well get in on the action with my small collection! The top two are the stock SW MAs, in there from before I got the 'replacements' which are the Meade 5000 UWA 18mm and recently purchased (last week!) Meade 5000 HD-60 9mm at the bottom. On the right are the Revelation 2.5x Barlow and my modified Lifecam Cinema HD, with a couple of filters (UV and Skyglow) and microfiber cloths. Not much as yet but steadily growing!
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