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Dave scutt

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Everything posted by Dave scutt

  1. Looking out of the window I noticed the skies were clear, so I rolled my dob out of the shed to let it cool down before observing. So I started to find the objects I know I could find ring nebula, m31,m13 ,m81,m82 found the veil nebula for the first time using uhc filter. The skies where still clear and very dark could see the milky way stretching across the sky but it started to rain without a cloud in sight so had to roll the dob back into the shed but it was good while it lasted. Dave
  2. Lost my hair along time ago 🤣
  3. Hi everyone. The weather at night has been bad recently and was wondering if I could use my 12"skywatcher dob for solar observation. What could I expect to see . If I could could you recommend a good but reasonable price solar filter. Thanks dave
  4. I've only got a uhc filter 2" I could sell you that so I could buy an 0III filter🤣
  5. Thankyou Ian, will try and find it when (if) it's stops raining
  6. It might sound stupid but what is the pup. Or have you just got a new dog
  7. Hi lunatic any chance you could show where it is on a sky map please still learning my way round the heavens . Thanks dave
  8. Just ordered 2 ep's haven't got them yet but the sky gods know. Think I should buy books in future
  9. I started with an celestron goto then brought a 12"skywatcher dob I find it more rewarding trying to find a fuzzy and nebula using the app on my phone or looking at a book
  10. Hi orange smartie I only have a uhc filter can you let me know how Saturn nebula, ring nebula, owl nebula looks for a 0III filter thinking about getting one . Thanks dave
  11. I was looking earlier aswell and came across this saying it was comfortable🤣. did not think it was a bad price
  12. Thanks Mark at Beaufort don't think I could afford to fill up 8 case's
  13. I've only the one but trying to aquire more
  14. Maybe it could be a new topic. Show us your green and black habit
  15. I'm sure I didn't buy 8 otherwise I would be sleeping in the shed with the dob
  16. As a newb still and only got my first scope recently I haven't had the opportunity to see orion through a scope yet but can't wait to see orion nebula
  17. Had trouble loading that's why it's came up 4 times (I didn't buy 8 box's honestly) There you are Dave you only have 2 cases now. Mark at Beaufort🤣
  18. A delivery from amazon this morning. Just need to buy some more ep,s like garryblueboy to fill them up 🤣
  19. Are profile pictures look very similar 🤔 Long live dobs. Welcome back
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