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Everything posted by M40

  1. You may have a fault on one of the devices connected. The fault could be dragging the voltage down and the ppba is then shutting the lot off. Try different combinations of your stuff leaving one device off at a time to see if that can identify anything.
  2. Could the weight of the eyepieces be causing the binoviewer to shift in the diagonal?
  3. FLO do some counterweight kits, maybe one of those may work? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adm-counterweight-kits.html
  4. M40


    Hello and welcome to the site 👍
  5. M40

    Hello Everybody

    Hello and welcome to the site 👍
  6. Hello whitlow and welcome to the site 👍 Ask away with any questions, all on here will help where they can.
  7. M40

    Hi all

    Hello and welcome to the site 👍
  8. M40

    Hi from Suffolk!

    Welcome to the site 👍
  9. The phone seems to have all the sensors you need, so my thoughts are download a different app and see if it can find Polaris correctly. I do enjoy telling boy (Galaxy S21) and son-in-law (Apple top kiddy) that my cheapseats pixel 5 slaughters them as far as phone sensors go. Hope it's not your phone.
  10. I must admit that I would be inclined to split the load. It's not something I do, just my thoughts. For the same money I would probably get two of the Skywatcher/Celestron power packs, one for the mount and one for the pc and camera. I suppose it must also come down to how far you are going to carry your stuff as I can see them being quite heavy. The Lithium power packs will be lighter but more expensive.
  11. Hello Si and welcome to the site 👍
  12. I see two excellent pictures, why delete them? You could just add some info as it's always good to know how you achieve things and what you used.
  13. Everything looks great 👌 not jealous at all 😜. I think we are all looking forward to a few clear nights, not going to be next week by the look of it.
  14. I use the startech 4 port usb over cat5e cable. One end goes on your laptop in the warm, it's then linked by a cat5e cable I think max about 40M, to the remote end. Then just plug your usb stuff into that. I haven't got round to the remote pc yet. I also haven't tried usb hub into the remote end, theory says it should work. Ensure it's powered at the remote end otherwise the load will be out of your laptop usb port. HTH
  15. Always a difficult question to answer, so I am going to echo Astromuni and suggest binoculars is a great starting point. First time I saw the milky way was in Mid Wales, didn't get the telescope out of the car, so plenty to see on a clear night not too far from your front door, so finding what to look for is a good starting point and will give you time to think about what you would like to see and how to see it. I use Stellarium on the laptop and phone but there are other pieces of software and app's out there, that will give you a good starter for what's in the sky wherever you are. If you have location sensors in your phone, the app will allow you to point your phone at a star and it will help you work out what you are looking at. Another thing I use is a planisphere. This again will help you find you way around. There are a couple of magazines like sky at night or Astronomy Now which give monthly guides at to whats in the sky. After that, warm hat and gloves, comfy chair, red head torch and a set of binoculars. Have a good look around in here, this is a massive site with plenty to read and ask away with any questions. Enjoy.
  16. M40

    Hello there

    Hello Andrew and welcome to the site. Some clever people on here that can help with any questions you may have so have a look around and ask away. Enjoy.
  17. Can I suggest that if you know it's tracking by following malc-c's suggestions, but not at the right rate etc, do as Olly said and remove all the third party stuff, go back to the hand controller, reset everything back to factory defaults and more or less start again. I went from a dob to the HEQ5 and had the usual challenges so know where you are coming from. I continually had to correct the mount during tracking and it proved to be my failure to set polar alignment correctly. Set your home position, do at least a 2 star alignment and give it another go. Something else to consider, when you did the belt upgrade, are you sure all the connectors are fitted correctly and in the correct positions?
  18. I understand the app is still available from skywatcher.com, support, software.
  19. So we know it goes to somewhere close to your target and we know the drives and power supply are ok. Not mentioning polar alignment yet, goto an object, don't bother checking to see if it has found the object, make a note of the mount position and then just walk away for maybe an hour. Then look at the mount position and see if it has moved. If it has moved, we know it's doing something rather than just sitting there. Let us know. Out of interest, do you have the handset?
  20. Hello Marius and welcome to the site. Adding to malc-c's post, can you drive the mount from the pc? Does it goto your object?
  21. Hello and welcome to the site Looks like the 2 week cloud curse when you buy something new strikes again, I wonder if the clouds start when you place the order or when you receive the item? 🤔 😜
  22. Great picture, thanks for posting. Always good to see what people achieve and how 👌
  23. Welcome to the site and enjoy your journey 👍 ask away with any questions, there are some very clever people on here that will offer advice and help.
  24. Lets jump back a few steps. Simon, ignore the gold colour terminal on the switch and connect the wire from the gold terminal onto the center terminal and try it. The light may not work. Let us know what happens.
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