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Everything posted by Kon

  1. You have got some nice details. The colour on the bands looks very nice.
  2. Thanks. A bit annoyed to have missed good imaging conditions with the wrong filter but some nice details as you say. It is interesting you both liked the 4th; i think the panels do look better there. I somehow liked the 3rd and 5th as it shows more of the ISS main body component segments.
  3. Yes it has been awful for both visual and imaging my side as well. Let's hope for some decent skies soon.
  4. I think the rain helped as we commented yesterday as well. As I mentioned in this post, the Milky Way was nicely visible; a good sign for me. If the weather had hold and the planets were higher up it would have been a good night. It seems we will be clouded over for the next few days so we can give our body a rest.
  5. Thank you. It's a shame I could not get enough colour images since the seeing was very good last night. I think it was the first time i could see details on Jupiter with the correct filter as it was drifting in the FOV before the clouds came.
  6. We got a bit of rain last night that cleared the atmosphere from the heatwave and the Milky Way was nice and bright. ISS was predicted to come around 1154pm. I had high hopes for a nice capture but during processing I was baffled why there is no colour 🤣. I realised that I had left the IR pass filter in the camera from the previous night. Anyhow, the images came out really nice. It is a bit overexposed as I was assuming I had the IR/UV cut filter. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, IR pass 😂, 2.5x TV powermate. PIPP, Autostakkert and Astrosurface.
  7. The rain we got last night cleared the atmosphere from the heatwave and the seeing was very good, with the Milky Way nice and bright from my site. I was imaging ISS at midnight but I messed up my filters and I used an IR pass. Saturn and Jupiter were rising and I imaged them with the same filter. By the time I put the UV/IR cut filter clouds were coming in but the brief period Jupiter looked really sharp even at the low elevation at 1am. but I did not manage to get enough frames before clouds came. 8" Dob, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, IR pass filter. PIPP, Autostakkert and Astrosurface.
  8. That's a great result with nice details considering the thin cloud.
  9. Good first effort Steve. My first few attempts looked very similar from last year when I started with ISS. You have a lot more complex setup to manage but once you tweak it you should get some amazing captures with mount tracking. Seeing was awful last night from the heatwave and I deleted my capture as it was not worth processing. From my experience with the asi120mc-s and asi462mc with ISS, this time of the year I use Arcturus or Jupiter to get my exposure and gain right. Their apparent brightness magnitude is very similar to ISS. I aim for an exposure of 0.5ms so you can avoid streaking and gain to have a histogram of 40%. You may want to adjust by 10-30 units less than Jupiter or Arcturus since ISS is 1 magnitude brighter. Finally, I started with a success rate of 10% of ISS in my capture using full sensor and I am up at ~90% with a ROI of 640x480.
  10. I feel until the heatwave and get some rain the atmosphere is not that great. I did a couple of Jupiter and Saturn captures but they were just fuzzy blobs without any features, and that's why i called the night. My ISS was awful from earlier the night as well.
  11. Thanks. Was that with the 16" Dob 😮, or your other setup? Once you get the feeling for it, it is kind of straight forward and mostly dependent on the seeing to get the nice details (a bit like all other AP). I had to trash my whole capture from last night; not a single frame was worth it. I think the heatwave had left a lot of atmospheric disturbance and high haze. I am looking forward to seeing some of your captures soon.
  12. Very nice capture and processing. I like the presentation with the panels. It seems the 11th was the best night for you so far this summer. I was out this morning and it was absolutely pants with awful transparency, and went straight back to bed.
  13. Thanks. You know what I mean 😉...I think I am spoiled from the other night that was really sharp.
  14. I currently get 3 passes a night.early morning; you may want to move to UK 🤣. What is annoying is the seeing! A lot of light haze due to either the heatwave we are having and lack of any rain to clear the atmosphere. I do not seem to be able to pull much details.
  15. SpaceX Dragon docked with the ISS on 16 July. I managed a couple of captures last night with one pass at 70 and then next one at 88degrees. Seeing was ok through light haze from the heat. I love how the colours on the panels are changing between the two passes. The SpaceX Dragon is well defined in the 88 degree pass. 8" Dob, manual tracking, ASI462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, UV/IR cut filter. PIPP, Autostakert and Astrosurface.
  16. Fantastic capture and thanks for the background information.
  17. Great report and nice to be out in the warm night. Veil is my favourite eye candy in the summer. I saw it a few weeks ago and it was great. Did you pick much detail on ISS? I seem to only image it and never looked through the eyepiece.
  18. Thanks. Gosh I never thought of that! A quick Google search revealed this: https://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/Tools/orbitTutorial.htm It's a good read.
  19. I was lucky to have two decent time passes of the ISS last night at 11pm and 1240am. The first pass was at 58 degrees max elevation and the second one at 88. I noticed that the past few weeks the passes we get do not give nice solar panel array views but more of the Star Wars TIE fighter 🤣. Nevertheless, I managed some nice captures despite the high wind and some either haze or jet stream. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate, ROI 640x480, gain 260, exposure 0.5ms. PIPP, Autostakkert and Astrosurface. I pushed the colour saturation a bit more this time and I really like the yellow hues on the panels. First two are at 58degrees and next two from the 88 pass. The difference on the relative size as ISS is approaching is also apparent.
  20. In my wife's laptop the first image of the three looks too bright. I would say the second looks nicer on hers. I second processing might be 'universally' acceptable? In your calibrated monitor, is the first one better? You should probably generate a poll? I think there is such function in SGL.
  21. Fantastic images. I really like your Mars a lot of nice details even with bright skies.
  22. I have the retina display so no issues at all. I will check on my wife's Dell laptop tomorrow and let you know.
  23. if by burn out you mean too bright or washed out, then none, on any of my devices.
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