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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Most of the time it's been bad, fuzzy mess. I am getting to know what's good seeing and stable. But yes, even if the conditions are supposed to be good it's hard to get good results. Summer was the same wasn't it?
  2. Yes exactly what I was getting this morning. By 3 hardly any details just fuzzy bands My first couple of captures were easy to focus and a lot of details on the capture screen. Mars was not suffering as bad. I will process them later and post.
  3. Nice image. Same here. Started ok but it has been nearly impossible to nail the focus past 3 or so; fuzzy but 'stable' no boiling effect..
  4. Stunning image! Did you use the IR as luminance? It's looking very sharp.
  5. Stunning! It's the first time I have seen a Mars movie.
  6. Fantastic capture. It sure looks something is going on. Is that elongated reddish region towards the centre the same possible storm we discussed yesterday? Unfortunately my weather was pants last night but we seem to be over the Jetstream today so it should hopefully be a good night.
  7. It's a nice little camera isn't it. I also use it with my manual 8" Dob. Invest on an IR pass filter since you can really use its sensitive on that wavelength. Seems to low; I regularly get max fps of 304 on a similar ROI (640*480) and at least 194 up to 1360*768. Do you use a USB3?
  8. I thought about it and I am also looking into it. Jupiter and Saturn should both benefit.
  9. Some nice details on your first image.
  10. You are doing well to with manual. Yes give it a try with the IR pass filter. I have a cheap Svbony one and it does the job.
  11. It's a shame others have not posted any Mars images from the past few days to do a cross check. It's looking promising after midnight tonight.
  12. I know what you mean about the effort, but it is still good to be out and capturing some images . Looking forward to see your Jupiter. My Jupiter faired better last night than my Saturn.
  13. Some nice details despite the conditions.
  14. Interesting, that it's there on your later capture. The first one is more detailed and it doesn't seem a processing artefact. @CraigT82noticed another feature at 1.
  15. Some nice banding there. It is a challenge under UK skies isn't it?
  16. Thanks for the suggestions. For Jupiter I will need to derotate them as they are taken a few minutes apart. For Saturn I did it and it looked a bit more tidy. I somehow prefer seeing them side by side than merging them; saying that I will probably message you regarding the channel splitting. I have done it before but not sure how to proceed from there.
  17. Thanks Geof. I prefer the colour one too but it does bring some more of the clouds out.
  18. Yes beeing out is great, that's why I did not miss the opportunity despite the winds last night. By the way, is that a sand storm that you have captured at around 3 o'clock?
  19. The initial colour balance was giving everything a yellow hue. On my monitor this is close to white.
  20. Thanks Neil. I think i should give up on Saturn; even with stable seeing focusing was not easy. The IR did look much better. I forgot that I also shot Jupiter in IR and it brings out more details (I will update the post).
  21. Despite the strong winds last night the seeing was very stable and no boiling effects. The Dob was vibrating quite a lot but i still managed some fairly ok images. Unfortunately the clouds ruined the fun. Jupiter and Saturn (in IR as well). 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5x TV powermate. I did struggle with the colour balance of Jupiter on this capture. The Saturn in IR might be my best as I can see the Cassini division around. (updated post:) Jupiter in IR is also bringing more details out.
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