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Everything posted by Kon

  1. That looks fantastic! How many minutes does this rotation capture?
  2. Very nice report. I found my OIII brings it out really nicely on my bortle 4/3 skies with a lot of features similar to what you described.
  3. What a report and a session you had!! Wow! I had to google and do some reading on the nebula-trio you got there. Impressive; it must have been a sight! I would love to see that at some point. Second excellent report in a row, I am really jealous of your clear skies even if cold! Your enthusiasm on the hobby is really coming across through the reports.
  4. Another excellent report Joe. I have forgotten what the night sky looks with the amount of clouds we have had, I am doubling on sun viewing/reports when we get a break during the day. You are really tantalising us with your targets. My first thought was I have to have a look at NGC 6334 but it is just at my S horizon but not high enough. Baade's Window sounds mesmerising. Your description brings them to life. I am glad the weather is playing ball for you. Clear skies!
  5. Nice report and you are so lucky to have managed the planet parade, so jealous ( miserable weather for the past 3 weeks here). Nice sketches to go with the report.
  6. Great capture! So that's how it looked today behind the clouds 🌥️.
  7. Totally clouded today. The only clear spell I had, was when I was at the garage changing my tyres!!!😠 Lovely capture, thanks for sharing.
  8. Exciting that they changed so much since yesterday! If I get a break in the clouds I will try give it a try and try snap some photos. Is the 2835 'bridge' more prominent today?
  9. I agree, very dynamic from day to day. Seeing was not good at all; I got a good 10min but the rest was clouds and rain and did not have much time to spend on 2835 to make much details (the family were also trying to have a look at the same time). I do a similar safety check but I am always worried as a new observer thus why I start with my DSLR, cheaper to replace in case of a failure than an eye 👀.
  10. Another small window of sun observing this afternoon. The limps of the sunspot AR2835 looked much smaller than yesterday; AR2836/37 were hardly visible today . @Nik271 thanks for the heads up on yesterdays post, what a change (first and second photos are from today and the last one is the crop from 3 July . I also noticed there are three small spots at around 9' clock that were not visible yesterday. Quite enjoying the sun observing although I always have the fear (DSLR goes in first before my eyes on the EP) despite all my checks prior to observing. As I am writing this it started chucking it down. The spots looked very similar to the SOHO website; it is a nice reference after observing.
  11. Nice report and targets. It is always nice revisiting targets you have seen before since seeing conditions might be better. I am jealous since I have not had a single clear sky for the past 3 weeks.
  12. It has been a hectic few weeks with the weather for any visual observation and this afternoon there was a nice break between the clouds before it started raining again. I observed the sun through my 8" Dob and there was a nice big (to my eyes) sunspot. According to the SOHO website it is 2835. In my photos I can also make AR2837 as well. It looked nice and with several features. I did not lose the opportunity to capture a few shots with my DSLR at prime focus. Very pleased to have had the chance to get out after a long time.
  13. Excellent session and very inspiring report Joe. I am so jealous.... I have not taken my telescope out for over 2 weeks now with the clouds we have had. Keep them coming please.
  14. I have the Skywatcher one on my Dob and it is excellent https://www.firstlightoptics.com/finders/skywatcher-9x50-right-angled-erecting-finderscope.html
  15. Very nice report and a lot of nice targets there.
  16. I had a go at Jupiter and Saturn using my 8" Dob but this time I did a movie with my DSLR and stacked it in Siril. I tried an eyepiece projection with my 8mm. I need to invest on a proper camera mount setup for my DSLR (I have the M42 ring for prime focus but I was hand holding it on the EP). Very pleased to see the red spot in Jupiter but my Saturn was not so sharp.
  17. I was out at 3am this morning as well, and as a new on the hobby I was a bit baffled not to see the red spot more prominent (I have no other reference from previous years). Seeing was pretty good around 330; I could see the orange bands and a small faint orange disk. This is a photo I got today (stacked movie).
  18. Excellent report Joe. You seem to have bagged quite a few of these globulars. I think the MW is mind blowing both with the amount of stars and nebulas. Last time i struggled to do any star hoping with the amount of stars in the background. Did you use a filter with the Swan? It brings out its details even more (although my wife described it as a long featureless smudge, she is not into nebulas). NGC 6572 is one that has escaped me so far and the cloudy/rainy nights are not helping. I hope you are all warmed up but I find it hard to associate Australia and freezing. Looking forward to more of your reports; officially our nights are getting longer from today🤣
  19. Very nice report. I think you will love your Dob even more once the darker skies are back but still plenty of things to see. You might want to invest on a RACI for comfort as well as having the 'correct' way round. A Telrad or Rigel might come handy as well to get in the right area of the sky and then use your finderscope for more precise pointing.
  20. That's spectacular! I love the amount of details in the nebulosity and the stars are coming through really nicely!
  21. Very nice report and despite your frustration with the clouds you managed a couple of nice targets. I got the Televue Type 2 OIII filter (https://www.firstlightoptics.com/televue-filters/tele-vue-bandmate-oiii-filter.html) after recommendations from SGL members here and it was worth the £100! I have seen the Veil and North America several times now and it does not stop amaze me. I saw the Rosette, the Eagle, Swan and many more diffuse ones with this filter and it is well worth it. Be aware that many of these nebulas are rather diffuse, not much surface brightness, and you will need rather dark skies (I am bortle 4 edging to 3) with good seeing to see them even with the filter.
  22. Since you are in Australia, have a look at the Observing Reports section and search for @Epick Crom. He is also based down under and you can read what targets are good visually, although he is using a 10" Dob.
  23. The amount of detail is amazing! Wow wow!!! Fantastic capture and processing!
  24. I woke up at 3am with my wife to have a look at Saturn and Jupiter using my 8" Dob. Viewing was quite stable relative to other mornings. I put in my Nikon D3200 on prime focus and I shot multiple shots at iso 400 and exposure 1/200 (Jupiter) and 1/100 (Saturn). I know people use barlows and cameras to shoot movies but since I am not into imaging I had a bit of fun stacking a 40 frames or so in Siril and some serious cropping to bring them into view. Quite pleased with the result. I should probably invest a T-ring to fit my DSLR in my x2 barlow. I quite like the banding coming through Jupiter. I hope to try stack more frames in the future and maybe when it is a bit darker.
  25. The HA animation is amazing! The solar flares at 5 clock got my attention more than the eclipse. Fantastic work!
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